[ExI] India and the periodic table

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Fri Jun 9 19:40:52 UTC 2023

>> ...Where the CEOs of Bud Light and Target fired in the end?
> The Bud Light chief was.  The Target CEO hasn't been fired yet as far as I
> know, but his or her epic fail just happened in the past coupla, so there
> might not have been enough time yet.

Interesting! Quite a well behaved board I'd say. Maybe it would pay to
have a look at what other boards the board members are members of?

> Disney must attract a broad clientele across the entire population, but the
> governor of Florida only needs a simple majority to get elected.  It is best
> for a business to not get into a pissing match with the governor of Florida.

Haha, well, it does kind of sound obvious not to fight with the ones who
have the power if you are in their jurisdiction, but I guess if you're
the CEO long enough the power gets to your head. ;)

> As for the public schools, it sure seems simple to me.  Teachers, don't get
> tangled up in culture wars.  Teach students what students come there to
> learn.  Don't try to make little political activists out of them.  You get
> fired doing that.  Simple.

Oh if that were only true. But yes, that's how it should be.

> spike
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