[ExI] Men in Skirts

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Sun Jun 11 10:19:38 UTC 2023

On 11/06/2023 00:14, Adrian Tymes wrote:
> Sure, but what does it mean to be an XY?  People - seeing that this is 
> an attempt to dodge the definitions of "man" and "woman" - will attach 
> meanings beyond literally just having those chromosomes. Many of those 
> meanings will not be universally applicable but people will wrongly 
> treat them as if they are, winding back up at more or less the current 
> problem.

So, you're saying that my idea to sell chromosomal toilet door signs is 
a non-starter?


"...meanings beyond literally just having those chromosomes". Actually, 
does that matter? If an XY claims to be an XX, or vice-versa, it can be 
disproven. Anything extra that you assign is irrelevant to which you are 
in genetic terms. If you have had puberty blockers, hormone treatments, 
and sugery, you're still going to be the same XX or XY.

Yeah, you're right, it won't help. It's probably pointless to try 
anyway. We're just going to have to accept that people can claim to be 
whatever they want. Let the repressive regimes and  sporting 
associations get themselves tied up in knots about it, while we change 
all our door signs to just say "TOILET", "CHANGING ROOM", etc. (that 
seems to be happening already, actually, I've been in two places this 
year (an office and a university), where people with body types ranging 
from masculine to feminine were using the same facilities). Three, if 
you count a restaurant that just had a 'disabled' toilet. Actually, come 
to think of it, lots of cafes just have that these days. Ha!, it's been 
happening for a while, and I never realised it.


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