[ExI] ChatGPT 'Not Interesting' for creative works

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Tue Mar 7 20:01:26 UTC 2023



From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 


>…Adrian, we are on the threshold of what might be the biggest most
disruptive societal event, in a partially good way, a mostly good way.  The
university system in the USA has become a racket…

>…Before I post more on that topic, I would pause to hear refutation or
agreement on the previous paragraph, which applies to specifically STEM
students.  spike




OK hearing none…


The covid school shutdown was the most educational event in modern history,
for some of the students.  Some disengaged and not only didn’t learn from
the zoom meeting format, plenty of them went backwards.  Scholastic
competence tests were done locally just before they went out.  The same
tests were given to students when they returned a year and a half later.
Not a different version of the same test, I do mean the SAME test.  A most
worrisome fraction of the students went BACKWARDS.  I don’t know how they
coulda gotten dumber, but some did and we have the numbers to prove it, if
they let us release them (no guarantee on that (but if that happened here,
it happened elsewhere too.))


In an case, some of the students got nothing out of the zoom meeting
format, some disengaged entirely and went backwards, some turned stumbling
blocks into stepping stones.  Now I am focusing on that latter group, many
or most of which were STEM students who went online and found excellent
educational resources during that shutdown.


I have noticed that during the year shutdown, plenty of the STEM teachers
put together their best lectures ever, and recorded them.  Now, some of
these teachers are assigning as homework for the students to listen to the
lectures already recorded and come into class ready to have a tutoring
session, work exercises, kind of a reversal of how it has always been done:
we listened to the lecture in class, worked the homework at home.  Now, the
students listen to the lecture at home and work the homework in class.


Think about what that learning pattern enables.  Comments welcome.








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