[ExI] Poe (i.e.Claude) now has multi-bot chat

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 08:50:29 UTC 2024

Talk to several chatbots in one conversation.

See: <https://quorablog.quora.com/Multi-bot-chat-on-Poe>
Today we are adding an important new capability to Poe: multi-bot
chat. This feature lets you easily chat with multiple models in a
single thread.

Multi-bot chat is important because different models have different
strengths and weaknesses. Some are optimized for specific tasks and
others have unique knowledge. As you query a bot on Poe, you now can
compare answers from recommended bots with one click, and summon any
bot you prefer by @-mentioning the bot - all within the same
conversation thread. This new ability lets you easily compare results
from various bots and discover optimal combinations of models to use
the best tool for each step in a workflow.

You don't have to have a paid subscription to every bot.
if you’re not a subscriber you can use the free bots, which are the
majority of bots on the platform. They’re not quite as high quality
because we don’t have as much money to spend running them, but they’re
sufficient for many purposes.

To try them out, go to <https://poe.com/login>
When I asked a question, after the answer Poe suggested several other
chatbots where I could ask the same question, to compare responses.


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