[ExI] florida man from new york

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Feb 7 16:37:10 UTC 2024




Note that Florida Man might actually be from New York:




I noticed some fun details in the article.  The crazy fool shown driving in
the shallow surf on New Smyrna Beach (near where I cheerfully misspent my
tragically misspent childhood and youth) was only charged with failing to
pay the vehicle access fee.


Never mind literally endangering the lives of the other crazy Florida Man
fools which might be out in that surf swimming, scuba diving, fishing or
surfing that time of day, oh no.  Endangering Florida Man is more or less
legal in that state.  But gate crashing, oh no, we don't allow that in these
parts you know.  Taint proper!


Sheesh.  Sometimes I am embarrassed to admit where I grew up.


Other times I am vaguely proud of it, sort of an incompatible mix which is
hard to name without an inherent contradiction: contentedly embarrassed?
Abashedly proud?


Note that Florida Man stories are really not merely typical news reporting,
but rather they are offered for our amusement and personal self-esteem.  We
read about the crazy goofballs and think to ourselves: I have been known to
do some ill-advised stunts in my time, but EVEN I am not THAT damn crazy.


The stories are simultaneously entertaining and self-esteem builders.



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