[ExI] it's not? indeed?

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Thu Jan 18 16:06:12 UTC 2024


Dr. Fauci has testified before a House subcommittee that the lab leak of
Covid19 is not a conspiracy theory.


I want to know how he figures is isn't.  It IS a conspiracy theory.  Just
because a theory turns out to be true, it is still referred to as a theory.
Examples: theory of evolution, relativity theory and so on.  So even if it
is proven that covid19 escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which
it will never be, for the Chinese have destroyed the evidence, it is still a
theory.  Even if the overwhelming consensus among scientists agree on that
origin, it remains a theory.


There appears to have been some unethical practices involved in discrediting
that theory.  The Chinese destroying the evidence and restricting access to
those survivors who were there.  Dr. Fauci working with and choosing
scientists to write the article for Nature Medicine, Dr. Collins the others,
would constitute a conspiracy, ja?  They worked together to discredit a
plausible theory, which is a conspiracy.


So. as has been demonstrated repeatedly, just because a notion is a
conspiracy theory does not prove it is not true.  The definition has
changed: conspiracy theories might be true.  Even if it is true, the lab
leak origin of Covid19 is now and will forever be a conspiracy theory.



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