[ExI] Post-labor economics: Will capitalism work once we don't need to?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 10:22:52 UTC 2024

Post-labor economics: Will capitalism work once we don't need to?
By Loz Blain  March 08, 2024

There's a non-zero chance that human labor and intelligence could be
surplus to requirements in the mid-to-near future. That would entail a
seismic shift in the balance of power and the way societies and
economies function. Let's discuss some ideas.

For the first time in human history, there's a non-zero chance, and
maybe even a probability, that the vast majority of human work might
simply not be needed within a decade or two – and a real pathway to
get there, that multiple multi-billion dollar companies are pushing
toward with all their resources.

If AI does what it says on the tin, this won't be like the
agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, or the information
revolution, where we'll just move to different jobs. The promise of
embodied AGI is that it'll simply be better at us at whatever there is
to do, as well as much faster, cheaper and more reliable. The value of
both intelligence and physical work could well drop to nearly zero.

This fundamentally changes society – but how?


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