[ExI] DRAFT of my new book

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 20:43:23 UTC 2024

On Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 18:52, serafino cerulli-irelli via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Hi Spike!
> time goes so fast, I'm 75 now, still reading exi-chat.
> In Portugal they say "Vive-nos a vida, não nós a vida"!
> Ciao s.

Well, I never expected that!   :)
I just thought to give Claude AI a challenge and ask him what that
Portuguese saying means.
First, I didn't expect him to speak Portuguese, far less understand the
But I guess he can, as he started off by saying that your quote was
grammatically incorrect in Portuguese and doesn't make much sense.
He then said that you probably mean the well-known Portuguese saying "Vivemos
a vida, não nós a vida" and explained that.
Is Claude AI becoming superhuman?   I really wonder.......

Claude AI -
The Portuguese saying "Vivemos a vida, não nós a vida" can be translated to
English as "We live life, life doesn't live us." The meaning behind this
saying is quite profound and philosophical. Let's break it down:

1. "Vivemos a vida" (We live life): This part suggests that we, as
individuals, are the active agents in our lives. We are the ones who make
decisions, take actions, and shape our own experiences.

2. "não nós a vida" (life doesn't live us): This part implies that life
itself is not in control of us. We are not merely passive participants
being carried along by the currents of life.

The saying encourages people to take ownership of their lives and to be
proactive in creating the kind of life they want to live. It emphasizes the
idea that we have the power to make choices and to influence the direction
of our lives, rather than simply letting life happen to us.

In essence, the saying is a reminder to be an active participant in one's
own life, to make the most of the opportunities presented, and to not let
life's challenges or obstacles dictate one's path. It's a call to embrace
agency, responsibility, and the power of choice in shaping one's own life
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