[Exi-east] Amended gathering plans

David Lubkin exi-east at unreasonable.com
Tue Dec 23 17:55:29 UTC 2003

Just got email from Simon Levy, and Saturday is no longer good for him.

The best answer seems to be to move the party to Friday, same time (2 PM),
same place, etc.  Obviously, some people will have to work on Friday
but they can join us whenever they can get here.  There were also a
couple people with prior commitments who I think could now attend.

Please contact me asap to confirm you're coming, and when you
imagine getting here.

-- David.

At 01:08 PM 12/20/2003 -0500, David Lubkin wrote:

>- an extropian-oriented gathering, akin to Sasha's of old, or my summer party
>- We'll order Chinese food at some point.
>- my house
>- in Nashua, New Hampshire
>- roughly 20 minutes north of Rt. 128 (if you drive fast)
>- on Saturday, Dec. 27  << now Friday, Dec. 26
>- beginning at 2 PM
>- ending when the last person not me leaves, voluntarily or otherwise
>- anyone on this list is specifically invited.  The following have stated 
>an interest so far and are presumed attending --
>Eirikur Hallgrimsson
>Simon Levy
>Mike Lorrey
>David Lubkin
>Ray Solomonoff
>Steve Witham
>- If you have someone else in mind, run it by me.  It will probably be okay.
>- Additionally, I will invite a few friends-of-extropy, such as sf writer, 
>nano, LP, MIT, Alcor types.
>- food, drink
>- musical instruments
>- interesting stuff to show people
>To do:
>Email the list to RSVP. << and CC me, so I get it right away
>Email me for directions, saying what you'll be bringing, seeking to crash 
>here after the party.

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