[extropy-chat] libertarian fervor

Spike spike66 at comcast.net
Thu Dec 4 04:18:34 UTC 2003

> --- "R.Coyote" <etheric at comcast.net> wrote:
> > "Would others speak to where their libertarian fervor came
> from?"

The most important lessons in libertarianism came from 
elementary school, where it was more convenient for the 
teacher to have the entire class advance together, even if
at the pace of a glacier.

For the students who could actually read, the result
was excruciating boredom most of the time, a criminal
waste of precious time in a young life.  I have never
questioned Eliezer's decision to give up entirely on
mass education as useless.  At an early age, many of
us learned that the gazelles should not be yoked with
the oxen but should be set free to run.  The same rules
simply do not apply to everyone.  All my most important
learning came about in my home with my own books and
those I could borrow from the library.

Governments take over where the elementary school
teachers left off.  Many of us are for limiting government's
influence to common defense, road building and the public 
education which I just got finished disrespecting.


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