[extropy-chat] theobiology
Jef Allbright
jef at jefallbright.net
Fri Dec 5 23:34:59 UTC 2003
A very impressive set of pages, but sure looks like a (meta)joke to me. The
clarity and consistency of the text speaks louder than the words themselves.
Here's a fun excerpt, found at
"Some have criticized my stance on triclavianism as being counterproductive,
arguing that making a point of doctrinal contention over not making a point
of doctrinal contention over adiaphora is itself non-salvific. However, my
critics are overlooking the dangers of triclavianistic doctrines: allowing
adiaphora to creep into our credenda -- while possibly pushing the
theologoumenic envelope and providing exciting new opportunities for
supererogative works -- will most often serve to muddy the soteriological
foundation of Faith, leading in general to ultramontane excesses and, in
extreme cases, ebaptization (which is unacceptable pastoral malpractice,
however rare it may be.) Doctrinal integrity, and hence salvific
effectiveness, is best served by working to end triclavianism and similar
erroneous, or simply adiaphoric, doctrines."
- Jef
---- Original Message ----
From: The Avantguardian
> Hate to break it to you Damien but it's no joke. All the people
> listed on the site are real faculty members and scientists (although
> some ARE psychologists *wink*). Some of the people listed are
> actually fairly distinguished having won awards and such. What I want
> to know is why the rabid atheism on this list? Some of you go so far
> as to (as contradictory as it sounds) proselytize your atheism. Why?
> In my experience there are generally two types of religious folk. The
> first are the brainwashed sheep that send off their cash to any
> huckster with enough charisma to wave a 1000 year old book around in
> front of them and tell them they are doomed if they don't convert.
> The second kind are very bright skeptical people that have examined
> the evidence thoroughly and made an informed decision that the
> universe is governed by a living rational force or entity. Usually
> these people are deeply spiritual although they tend to hold no stock
> in the traditional organized religions as they recognize these to be
> scams and tools of power on major scale.
> Some of the most celebrated geniuses in history have been of the
> second type: Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Pascal, etc. This is because
> when you have a very high IQ you are good at seeing patterns of
> information. When you see so much pattern in the universe, so little
> of which can be explained by mere science, it engenders faith that
> there is SOMETHING out there calling the shots.
> The latest generations of cosmologists are trying to save our beloved
> theories of gravity from damning observations. They explain the
> inconsistencies in the motions of galaxies by invoking the deus ex
> machina of dark matter and dark energy which together are supposed to
> comprise some 95% of the mass of the universe. So if you are willing
> to BELIEVE that every tangible bit of matter and energy in the the
> universe that you can see with our best telescopes and detection
> equipment comprise a mere 5% of what's actually out there, then why
> can't you admit there might be room in the 95% of the universe you
> can't see for PROVIDENCE? Or do you prefer the deus ex machina to the
> Damien Broderick <thespike at earthlink.net> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Spike"
> Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 1:56 PM
>> At the time, reading
>> just this article, I did not recognize the site as a
>> parody. I still cannot call it a joke, since it clearly
>> shows an intent to slay, as opposed to entertain.
> Paley, prof of Theobiology, is pretty obvious. But amazingly, I find
> this:
> http://www.sagepub.com/journalIssue.aspx?pid=171&jiid=116
> American Behavioral Scientist
> Volume 45 Issue 12 - Publication Date: 08/2002
> Theobiology: Interfacing Theology, Biology, and Other Sciences for
> Deeper Understanding
> Theobiology: Interfacing Theology, Biology, and other Sciences for
> Deeper Understanding
> The Authors
> Introduction
> Carole A. Rayburn, PhD, Lee J. Richmond
> Theobiology: Interfacing Theol! ogy and Science
> Carole A. Rayburn, Lee J. Richmond
> Nonreductive Physicalism and Soul: Finding Resonance Between Theology
> and Neuroscience
> Warren S. Brown, PhD
> The Pyramids of Sciences and of Humanities: Implications for the
> Search of Religious
> Richard L. Gorsuch
> Is Faith an Emotion? Faith as a Meaning Making Affective Process: An
> Example
>> From Breast Cancer Patients
> Johnny Ramirez-Johnson, Carlos Fayard, PhD, Carlos Garberoglio, Clara
> M. Jorge Ramirez
> Comments on Symposium: Theobiology: Interfacing Theology, Psychology,
> and Other Sciences for Deeper Understanding
> Ralph W. Hood Jr
> Beyond Equality
> John S. Nixon
> Theobiology and Gendered Spirituality
> Sharon Kanis
> Shamanism as Neurotheology and Evolutionary Psychology
> Michael Winkelman
> Cross-Cultural Generalizability of the Spiritual Transcendence Scale
> in India: Spirituality as a Universal Aspect of Human Experience
> Ralph L. Peidmont! , Mark M. Leach, PhD
> When Science Meets Religion
> Akira Otani
> Matter, Divinity, and Number
> Gregory N. Derry
> ==============
> How far does this go? It reminds me of a mock university faculty in
> Biblical Accountancy, invented by my friend John Bangsund, which
> probed such ancient fiscal riddles as: `How Doth It Profit a Man to
> Gain the Whole World and Lose his own Soul?'
> Damien Broderick
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> The Avantguardian
> "He stands like some sort of pagan god or deposed tyrant. Staring out
> over the city he's sworn to . . .to stare out over and it's evident
> just by looking at him that he's got some pretty heavy things on his
> mind."
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