[extropy-chat] Caltech Extropians and Transhumanists
Colin Magee
colinmagee3282 at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 8 16:55:05 UTC 2003
I am curious to know if anybody here knows of any major
scientists/researchers at Caltech who are sympathetic to or interested in
Transhuman/Extropian issues.They could be in any one of the following
fields:nanotechnology,artificial intelligence,biotechnology,computer
science,cognitive science,neuroscience,or any other major field of interest
to Extropians/Transhumanists.Two of the major Transhumanist/Extropian
thinkers-Ray Kurzweil and Marvin Minsky are from MIT and so is Eric
Drexler(although I don't know if he specifically identifies himself as an
Extropian/Transhumanist-but since I am somewhat of a novice in this area,I
could be mistaken).I was just wondering if there is anyone from Caltech
similar in stature to Ray Kurzweil or Marvin Minsky interested in this
area.Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.
Colin Magee
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