[extropy-chat] Caltech Extropians and Transhumanists
Hal Finney
hal at finney.org
Mon Dec 8 21:37:42 UTC 2003
Colin Magee writes:
> I am curious to know if anybody here knows of any major
> scientists/researchers at Caltech who are sympathetic to or interested in
> Transhuman/Extropian issues.They could be in any one of the following
> fields:nanotechnology,artificial intelligence,biotechnology,computer
> science,cognitive science,neuroscience,or any other major field of interest
> to Extropians/Transhumanists.Two of the major Transhumanist/Extropian
> thinkers-Ray Kurzweil and Marvin Minsky are from MIT and so is Eric
> Drexler(although I don't know if he specifically identifies himself as an
> Extropian/Transhumanist-but since I am somewhat of a novice in this area,I
> could be mistaken).I was just wondering if there is anyone from Caltech
> similar in stature to Ray Kurzweil or Marvin Minsky interested in this
> area.Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.
I am a Caltech alumnus myself, as is my wife, Fran, and my son is in his
junior year there now. I know of at least one other recent list member,
Damien Sullivan, who is a relatively recent graduate and still has a
home page at http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~phoenix/.
I don't know if there is much transhumanist interest on campus.
One relevant area of research is nanotech, where especially William
Goddard's group at http://www.wag.caltech.edu/, the Materials and
Process Simulation Center, does all kinds of of molecular modelling
and simulation. They have won awards from the IMM and Foresight for
their research.
The MSC has an interesting program coming up in April,
http://www.wag.caltech.edu/PASI/, a two week workshop/tutorial intended
to introduce the techniques of molecular modelling, aimed at Latin
American instructors and researchers. The recommended reading list
includes Drexler's canon: Engines, Unbounding and Nanosystems. Sounds
like it would be a fun workshop to sit in on.
Another Caltech affiliated list member is Patrick Wilken,
http://www.klab.caltech.edu/~patrickw/, a biologist with an interest in
the neurological aspects of consciousness. There was also an event held
earlier this year in April between Caltech and the Art Center College
of Design to create a melding of art and technology. It sounded great
but I was not able to attend.
The Caltech group affiliated with this event was the Center for
Neuromorphic Systems, http://www.cnse.caltech.edu/. That's an
interdisciplinary effort in an area that I find very promising,
encompassing wireless networking, ubiquitous computing, Vingean
localizers, augmented reality, all that stuff. This may well
revolutionize the way we communicate and gather information about the
world over the next two decades.
I'm curious, what is your connection or interest in Caltech, if any?
Hal Finney
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