[extropy-chat] Newtonmas gathering
David Lubkin
extropy at unreasonable.com
Fri Dec 12 02:46:19 UTC 2003
On exi-east, we're orchestrating a Boston-area gathering for later in the
month, similar to the ones at Sasha we all remember fondly.
Probably at a home (I've offered mine, in Southern NH, but it might be
closer to Cambridge), to facilitate all the activities unavailable or
frowned on in restaurants.
Honing in on a date now. We're thinking of something like 12/25, 26, or
27, to accommodate a proto-extropian from out-of-town.
If you think you might be in the vicinity and would like to come, email me
or post to exi-east -- especially if you'd like us to take your schedule
into account. And crash space is available.
If you can't come but will be in the area another time, let exi-east
know. There have been many impromptu gatherings, as when Anders was in town.
-- David Lubkin.
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