[extropy-chat] Re: Encryption revolution
Brett Paatsch
bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au
Sat Dec 13 00:54:21 UTC 2003
Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> > I would beg to differ Harvey. I would like to see you assert
> > that claim to me, Eugen, Anders, Eliezer, Brett, the various
> > people supporting longevity web sites and a host of others
> > trying to define how they may participate.
> I would be very interested in hearing from these people to find
> out whether they find their involvement with Extropians to
> enhance their work or detract from it. I believe Eugen, Eliezer
> and I have already commented on this. Anders seems to busy
> with real work to participate lately. I have no idea what Brett
> would say.
I'm only catching some of what is going past on the list because of
time constraints - perhaps that adds some reinforcement to some
of what you seem to be saying Harvey. Clearly time spent doing
some things is time not available for doing other things.
I am an erratic personality Harvey. I suspect the list satisfies some
sort of social need for me. The Exi principles are pretty close to the
sort of principles I try to live by and importantly for me they are
principles that I did not write. This is important if one is looking for
camaraderie. I do look for camaraderie because as chance or evolution
or something would have it I am social. I have been effective as a stem
cell lobbyist on some occasions and irritatingly ineffective on others.
Some times I've been ineffective because I've come up against some
surprising political obstacles where institutions with clear interests did
not act on their interests because individuals that were in charge of
them like CEO's and board chairmen have had separate interests like
career preservation that made them more risk averse than seemed
optimal to me. Recently I've perhaps risked some of the good standing
I'd earnt with some of these 'mainstream' folks because I wanted them
to push harder and take bigger risks on what they saw as minor details
but which I see as potentially strategically important partly as a result of
thinking stimulated by discussions on this list. I get some validity and
additional emotional resourcing perhaps from seeing that others are
at least struggling in the same direction.
Damien has mentioned on occasion that he comes to the Exi list for
"the waters". I can't be sure I know what he means but I think I do
something similar. I get a sense from reading and posting (not always
well because sometime I adopt a philosophy of post-rough-or-
incomplete- work-and-be-damned rather than waste it or polish it)
that others like me are similarly engaging with the big issues of the
I found out about the Exi list either from Damien or from Damien's
book the Last Mortal Generation. Damien is effective. Aubrey is also
effective - he's been mentioned in Science and Nature in the last year.
I have hardcopies of Robert Freitas book's Nanomedicine Vol 1 and
Vol 2a. Robert Bradbury's significant contribution is acknowledged
there. Robert has been very generous with his time in explaining things
that he understand to me, and I've heard Damien say the same thing.
We are picking up ideas and getting fast tracked in learning from each
other. Look at some of the topics convered recently. The links that
are provided can help make more rounded generalists and polymaths
of folks that might otherwise be more specialised.
I have often had the feeling of being impressed and appreciative of
how much time some people have gone to to try and post genuinely
thoughtful and provocative responses to questions asked.
Your own post Harvey, when you just started posting again after
a break struck me as very well written. One presumably does not need
to write well to be a security consultant. It was appreciated I think in
a wider human context but you perhaps don't get to see how much stuff
that is well done gets appreciated. That's the nature of a list. Its harder
to communicate. One can't always tell if the message or effort made
has reached the mark.
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