[extropy-chat] when will computers improve?

Kevin Freels kevinfreels at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 19 23:54:12 UTC 2003

> My experience with Windows 2000 is that it is almost as stable
> as Linux and UnixWare.  On the other hand Windows 95 and 98 are
> very insecure because there is no memory protection and they
> are basically kludged 16 bit systems while Windows XP from
> what I have heard is simply buggy.

This is what I heard and is why I have chosen (so far) to stay with the
KNOWN evil rather than jump to a new one. As much as I love technology,
something inside me as afraid to give up the command prompt ability! lol
Win2K though? I can recall fleeting moments when the word went through my
head and I promptly discarded the idea. I can;t think of any good reason
than to say that I just haven;t read that much about it. Maybe I was
thinking you could only use it to upgrade NT. If I remember correctly, it
was available in 3 or 4 versions... Professional, server, advanced server,
and maybe something else. Which one are you running?
> If you look around you might even be able to find people selling
> Win2K as an upgrade CD that allows you to migrate up from 98
> to 2K without having to pay the full 2K price.
Thanks for the tip. I'm looking on ebay now!
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