[extropy-chat] converging history
Harvey Newstrom
mail at HarveyNewstrom.com
Tue Dec 23 15:29:05 UTC 2003
Eugen Leitl wrote,
> Meanwhile, I remain rather underwhelmed. (Perhaps, I'm just a
> naturally more morose type than Spike).
I have long observed that technology developers and implementers are often
more realistic about difficulties and delays than technology promoters and
consumers. (And I certainly count Eugen among the former rather than the
latter!) As an expert learns about the problem space, it always becomes
apparent that it is more convoluted and complicated than had previously been
assumed. The people actually working with the technology can make much more
educated guesses and predictions than those waiting for the technology. The
time-frame projections always seem too short to the developers and
implementers, and too long to the promoters and consumers. The former have
to focus on all the requirements and developments needed to achieve results.
Whereas the latter tend to focus only on their wish list of desired results.
The hands-on experience, knowledge and inside information will always give a
more realistic perspective than the less-detailed promoter representations
or consumer expectations.
Certified IS Security Pro, Certified IS Auditor, Certified InfoSec Manager,
NSA Certified Assessor, IBM Certified Consultant, SANS Certified GIAC
<HarveyNewstrom.com> <Newstaff.com>
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