[extropy-chat] ENOUGH already
Charlie Stross
charlie at antipope.org
Thu Dec 25 13:06:39 UTC 2003
On 25 Dec 2003, at 10:19, Samantha Atkins wrote:
> If this current idiocy is the best that can be had to give us purpose,
> resolve, and a cause - if it is the closest we get to "noble" - then
> please pass the koolaid.
> I do not see how anyone can suppose this never-ending, perpetually
> over-spending, freedom destroying, cynical, bullying crap-shoot
> disguised as "war" brings any meaning at all to life. It makes life
> infinitely ugly and sad if taken seriously. As ugly as war is this
> current fiasco sullies even the name of "war".
I'd like to add to that: war seems to me to be about as anti-extropic
as you can get. The triumph of brute force over enlightenment,
destruction, death and despair on a massive scale. An excuse for the
enemies of freedom on every side to chip away at civil rights. The
ascendency of dehumanization is the *opposite* of transhumanism.
About the only possible exception to this bleak picture is the way that
in the industrial age war permits the mobilization of vast
technological and scientific resources and their direction towards
achieving specific goals, in a manner that is difficult to coordinate
in peacetime. But those goals are seldom positive, frequently
destructive, and wouldn't it be better to achieve such mobilization for
creative and constructive ends instead?
-- Charlie
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