[extropy-chat] Alert for Suspicious Farmers' Almanacs
Dirk Bruere
dirk at neopax.com
Tue Dec 30 18:09:42 UTC 2003
----- Original Message -----
From: "Olga Bourlin" <fauxever at sprynet.com>
To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Alert for Suspicious Farmers' Almanacs
> From: "Mike Lorrey" <mlorrey at yahoo.com>
> > I don't think something as minor as a Farmer's Almanac is what they are
> > talking about. It seemed to me that they were talking about those 1000
> > page plus reference alamanacs you can buy that have data about tons of
> > things covering the whole country to a far greter degree than the
> > average road atlas.
> > While I can understand the leftist need to ridicule this measure by
> > decribing it as 'farmers almanac' ...
> You understand the leftist need ...? to ridicule ...? Hmmmm, do you
> the right ever ridicules the left? (if not, then please point out how it
> does not). While you may correct that the almanac to which the article
> refers may not be the ubiquitous Farmers, it doesn't make that entirely
> clear (and the article does invoke a quote from the publisher of the
> aforesaid ...).
> BTW, at first I thought this was a joke, but now I'm not so certain (do
> think this is serious?):
> http://www.thbookservice.com/BookPage.asp?prod_cd=c6230
> >The left often displays a rather high degree of hubristic
> > arrogance that it is so smart that anybody they don't like must be
> > stupid.
> ... somewhat like the rather high degree of hubristic arrogance displayed
> the right?
> > That is, however, the nature of leftism, the concept that
> > people are too dumb for their own good and need to be told how to spend
> > their money.
> ... and what is the *nature* of rightism? (perhaps, thinking that the
> leftists have a "need to ridicule" ...?)
> >Suggest you consider that intelligence people may have
> > much better information sources than you do.
> I have a great deal of respect for intelligence people (as long as they're
> rational and intelligent). I worry about the likes of Ashcroft, and stuff
> like: "Condi Rice is as comfortable speaking publicly about her faith in
> God as she is about strategic arms reduction and routing out terrorism."
> found in: http://www.christianitytoday.com/cr/2002/005/1.18.html
> If the fate of the world rests with people who have conversations with
> god(s), all is lost ...
Now that is a characteristic of the Right - not only talking to God but
getting God-given answers.
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The political party for the new millennium
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