[extropy-chat] Best place to live in USA

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 31 18:05:59 UTC 2003

--- David Lubkin <extropy at unreasonable.com> wrote:
> At 11:31 AM 12/31/2003 +0000, BillK wrote:
> >Money Magazine's Hottest Towns
> >         :
> >Now the question is: Why no places in New Hampshire in the top 81?
> >Too much snow? ;)
> I'm not sure how much their assessment criteria vary year-to-year but
> Nashua, New Hampshire was chosen twice by Money Magazine as the best
> town 
> in America, in 1987 and 1997.  And, as I recall, other towns in
> Southern NH 
> appeared in the top list in those years. 

Lebanon NH has also been rated second several times as the most livable
small town in the US. Between the dot com meltdown and the escalating
property prices in some parts of the state, it is going to be a couple
years before we are high in the rankings again, though I really
wouldn't worry about it much. Generally any community which makes it
into the top 100-200 in nationwide rankings is a really nice place to
Communities that make it into top rankings tend to drop off within a
few years because such rankings have attracted enough immigration that
some growth problems start popping up, which are no-no's as far as the
rankers is concerned.

The FSP did some extensive analysis of every state on a number of
libertarian factors, which were compiled in an excel spreadsheet. It
allows you to give your own personal weighting to various factors to
come up with a state that is your personal optimum, rather than the
best of other people's judgements. The spreadsheet is downloadable from
their website.

Mike Lorrey
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