[extropy-chat] heterosis, consanguinity and IQ

Damien Broderick thespike at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 10 03:57:03 UTC 2003

> [po:] inbreeding, should register as lower IQ on a
> society-wide scale.

Is this right, though? Two recessive deleterious genes will be expressed
more often, munging the offspringen (who might die as a result, often in
utero), while two recessive advantageous genes will pop up more often as
well. I had the impression that this is a partial explanation for the
elevated IQs of Orthodox Jews, e.g., even though they pay the price in
certain rare horrid afflictions. (I seem to recall a post from Eliezer
implying that this might account in part for his own unusual brain.)

Damien Broderick

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