[extropy-chat] SPACE: Back to the Moon (?)

Robert J. Bradbury bradbury at aeiveos.com
Fri Oct 31 01:39:31 UTC 2003

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Actually, considering that the optimum place to land is near the lunar
> south pole, where there is a site with near perpetual sunlight and
> local suspected water deposits in dark craters, having high orbital
> inclination is no big deal.

Yea, and when you pile up the ice/snow into a nice smooth slope
and ski down the crater walls and hit the jump just right and
pull off the 18 summersault, 12 twist arial display you are
going to make the stuff the do back on Earth look like caca.

(Side note to Mike -- the PC not only has to look good in the
exec. office it has to be very very quiet.  I think there was
a note on /. recently (though my memory of sources is fuzzy)
about someone designing a PC case with lots of right angle
turns on the air intakes/outflows -- suggested it seems to
suppress internal the fan noise well.)


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