[extropy-chat] PRIVACY: GPS darts

Acy James Stapp astapp at fizzfactorgames.com
Wed Apr 21 03:18:12 UTC 2004

A tracking device based on cellular technology seems much more
reasonable. The power requirements are much lower, the technology
already has broadcast capabilities, etc. Of course, I don't
expect battery tech to improve enough to ever make this feasible.
However, if there is some way to power it by induced current of
some sort then maybe.


[ -----Original Message-----
[ From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org 
[ [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Spike
[ Sent: Tuesday, 20 April, 2004 21:55
[ To: 'ExI chat list'
[ Subject: RE: [extropy-chat] PRIVACY: GPS darts
[ > The ID SNIPERTM rifle designed by EMPIRE NORTH 
[ > 
[ > What is the ID SNIPERTM rifle?
[ > 
[ > It is used to implant a GPS-microchip in the body of a human being,
[ > using a high powered sniper rifle as the long distance injector...
[ This story is emitting such a high bogon flux,
[ it glows brown. 
[ But if anyone ever does manage to reduce the size
[ of a GPS small enough that it would feel like a
[ mosquito bite entering the body, I have some
[ excellent applications for it.  
[ spike

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