Why Kerry is -still- a better choice than Bush, was Re: [extropy-chat] Fahrenheit 911 - objective review?

Don Dartfield twodeel at jornada.org
Sun Aug 15 05:30:39 UTC 2004

On Sat, 14 Aug 2004, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> On the contrary, Snopes quotes 18 swift boat vets against him, three
> statements in his favor, and two which are marginal. These numbers
> reflect the stats I posted above: Most vets who served with him think
> he's unfit.

It also says that only one of the 18 quoted men actually served under him,
and that "The other men who served under Kerry's command continue to speak
positively of him" and "How well all of these men knew John Kerry is
questionable, and discrepancies between how some of them described Kerry
thirty-five years ago and how they describe him today suggest that their
opinions are largely based upon political differences rather than
objective assessments of Kerry's military record."

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