[extropy-chat] evolution of food
mbb386 at main.nc.us
Wed Aug 18 11:45:08 UTC 2004
Hm. What an interesting thought! Agreed, more food is available more
often... summer fruit in winter, fresh vegs year round, etc. But...
still the quality is frequently "off" so I buy locally fresh when
available. And grow what I can because even locallly grown isn't as
yummy as fresh picked off my own plants!
The expense of pre-prepared food in the grocery is too high. I buy
bread and milk and butter and such, but people think of those as
basic although they used to be made at home. I look at the "pre-cut"
"fresh" veggies in my supermarket and they are nasty, all brown edges
and wilted leaves, even though they're in special "fresh-keeper" bags
and twice the price. I don't buy them. Tried a few, not again. Ugh.
IMO pre-prepared food has a *long* way to go before it replaces plain
food. Krispy Kreme donuts are an occasional treat, though! :)))
On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Bryan Moss wrote:
> Spike wrote:
> >Extrapolate this trend into the future. Is there any
> >reason to believe that food is as good as it will ever
> >get? Why? If it continues to get ever more irresistible
> >as time goes on, what scenarios can we imagine? Will flab
> >continue to overtake an ever larger percentage of people?
> >Or will we eventually reverse course and demand less tasty
> >foods? Will better nutrition education help? Will more
> >and more people perish of diabetes and weight related
> >heart disease, or will it soon level off?
> >
> >
> Food is hard. Creating food is still an unsolved problem; we're still
> learning. As with most things, our initial reaction to the problem of
> the inadequacy of (processed/fast) food has been nostalgia: we want
> people to go back to the old way of doing things. I think, however,
> that fast food is a genuinely positive development. Food preparation
> is difficult, arduous, and requires a great deal of knowledge. Fast
> food is no less great a development than, say, the introduction of the
> washing machine; it just has some wrinkles that need to be ironed out.
> I think, for the most part, as we solve the problems the solutions will
> be taken up by industry: if it was healthy to eat McDonalds every day,
> they'd have more customers than they do now. It's a straightforward
> incentive.
> I think also that it's primarily the fact that McDonalds et al can't
> reach the larger, more health-conscious, middle-class demographic now
> that causes them to take the strategy of foisting large portions of food
> on the unfortunate demographic they can reach (i.e., the poor and people
> in a hurry). As fast food is able to serve more of the population
> (i.e., relatively wealthy return customers), the incentives to tailor
> food toward addiction and inadequancy of fulfilment drop off.
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