[extropy-chat] evolution of food-Pharma meets Nutra
Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc.
megao at sasktel.net
Wed Aug 18 11:48:06 UTC 2004
Commercializing designer food is a huge problem.
We here in Canada have "novel food" which is regulated to need pre-market
However we have under the NHPD an exemption which allows a health
CAM or regular MD to prescribe a formulation and allow the custome to have
it custom formulated.
There is still the "psyche of inevitability" in the mainstream population.
Only yesterday while helping re-roof a cousin's house another neighbour
"what it all that stuff you do only makes you live 6 months longer?"
So what , it's my right to risk not changing the natural course of events.
By the time I know the answers it will be too late for both of us.. right.
I am pasting a piece regarding my custom food tastes
and where the "Pharma meets the Nutra" in a diet.
Evolution from a pharma sense has to be coupled with evolution from a
gastronomic sense. You can make designer foods look like the everday stuff,
but then you strip
it of a new identity that might define it and "brand" it.
Why breed a cantaloupe so it looks and tastes like a watermelon.... is my
Time for me to be a test case - E45 CARDS Project
Thu, 12 Aug 2004 18:52:49 -0500
"Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc." <megao at sasktel.net>
I have beside me my MMAR application which my General Practitioner
filled out for me Nov 10, 2003.
I am using the Category 3 First Medical Specialist Form.
My indications are for long standing back pain from years of operating a
Over the years I utilized a number of nutritional supplements.
Over the 2000 year as I was consuming large quantities of test product
a multi-component medical (Natural Health Product) food I experience a
remission which has proved to be permanent. Part of the therapy was 2-6
grams of hemp
bud eaten daily. For 3 years I used dried and reformulated bud in the
Since Feb 2004 I have used fresh daily bud usually of the hemp cannabis
variety, but occaisionally of a marijuana chemotype at bedtime.
I now do all the activities I did before the early 1980's when all this
began, without any re-occurance of the condition.
I do have in addition to the cannabis a nutritional program which
includes 2 X 24 gram servings in a food bar form containing 20
other food derived supplements (such as a 10% soy isoflavone soy germ
The details are on the website for all that.
In addition, I take the following daily.
10-15 grams (Berberis) Barberry Bark (ground and mixed with juice)
10-15 grams of (Centella Asiatica) Gotu Kola (mixed with juice)
Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Fish oil
Levamisole , an immunostimulant 150 mg daily
5-15 grams of fresh hemp bud chewed or in a salad
500Mcg Vitamin B-12
A good quality Multi Vitamin-Mineral
20mg Lipitor
Usually a strong Cocao and Coffee and milk "High Test" mixture in the
Infrequently when I drive home overtired I chew a nicorette gum for a 2
hour session.
So, my MMAR application states 5 grams cannabis in an oral food product.
Today I went in for a copy of my latest physical done on July 29, 2004
I am 49, 5 ft 91/2, 175 pounds ( 10 pounds heavier than before 2003),
and short-sighted since I was 14.
My medical profile reads thusly:
-PSA 0.6
Normal = 0.00- 4.0
-TSH (thyroid) 0.922
Normal= 0.35-5.0
-Fasting Glucose= 4.7
Normal=3.6-6.1 so I have a good average blood sugar management level
-After meal Glucose= 3.9
Normal = 3.6-6.1
However note that most people have a higher blood sugar level after
eating, mine actually is
as good as it gets when others might go up substantially.
Urea= 4.7
Normal= 3.6-6.1
Total Bilirubin=8
So my kidneys and liver are not suffering any stress
Cholesterol (Low) 3.69
Normal= 3.8-5.2
HDL Cholesterol= 1.36
So even with a breakfast with 5 eggs and all I have enough cholesterol
to be healthy by not an overly
large amount of the LDL and triglycerides.
I have had physicals since age 40 , all within average specifications
Treatment Goals:
My application is to maintain my physical conditon and prevent
cardiovascular disease,
keep arthritis and lower back weaknesses from becoming chronic
inflammation and pain again.
As well , normal age related neurological decline is to be slowed down
Bone density is to be maintained.
Cancer prevention is a goal as well.
As well the supplements are designed to minimize damage if a
catastrophic event should happen.
This is a life-long therapeutic program.
At age 49 while things are considered normal, there undoubtedly is
age-related biochemical degeneration silently working away.
I had intended to apply last December, but was waiting for changes of
the MMAR to the
promised simplified form or maybe a simple Rx.
My doctor and I discussed things today, and agreed that hunting down a
specialist in Regina to
sanction a health restorative-maintenace program which involves numerous
natural health products would be virtually impossible, not to mention
enormously time consuming.
We also agreed that when there is a waiting list for sick people, for
me to take a specialists time
was not only a waste of his time but detrimental to those on a waiting
So when I left I said, OK I guess this is the time to do what I must do:
and that is this:
File fior the MMAR and refer to the Smith Falls Case as well as
Not above the law
Ottawa Citizen August 9, 2004
A marijuana grow-op in Smiths Falls has done all Canadians a
favour by focusing a bright light on the federal
government's flagrant violation of the rule of law in its
handling of medical marijuana.
Last week, police raided Carasel Harvest Supply Corp., which
operates in an old Canadian Tire building, after they
learned (through media reports) that the company had started
growing marijuana even though Health Canada hadn't given the
company a licence yet. Health Canada's refusal to give a
licence to Carasel is now being challenged in the courts as
an "unconstitutional barrier" to medicinal marijuana users.
Right now, the health ministry will let an eligible sick
person grow marijuana, and it will let that person designate
someone else to grow marijuana on his or her behalf, but it
won't let more than one user designate the same other person
to do the growing. That means the only legal multiple-client
grower is the government's single source in Flin Flon, whose
product many users dismiss as ditchweed.
This policy is more than addled: it's unconstitutional. Last
fall, the Ontario Court of Appeal struck down three Health
Canada rules on marijuana-growing, including the no-
multiple-customers one, on the grounds that they effectively
forced many users to buy their medicine from drug dealers --
what the government called "unlicensed suppliers."
The rules, the court's three judges wrote, "create an
alliance between the Government and the black market whereby
the Government authorizes possession of marijuana for
medical purposes and the black market supplies the necessary
Health Canada dropped two rules so users could now pay
growers and the lowering the medical standards for some of
them, but it decided to ignore the court's decision that
said a grower should be able to supply more than one user.
Spokeswoman Aggie Adamczyk says the regulators consider the
court's order "useful guidance" and believe they're living
up to the principles laid out by the judges.
It's hard to see how Health Canada can say that, as the
court's decision was clear: Health Canada either had to
scrap its whole regulation system and try again, or keep the
existing system minus the three rules that were
unconstitutional and "of no force and effect." The
department decided to ignore the court, Ms. Adamczyk says,
because growers working for more than one user might find
ways to sell extra marijuana on the side, thus supplying the
black market.
Health Canada doesn't get to follow the court orders it
agrees with and skip the ones it doesn't: if you tried it,
you'd go to jail. Besides, such doublethink disregards the
whole basis of the judges' orders: that the old rules forced
legal users to buy their medicine from drug dealers.
The volume of the supply aside, a single grower with a
profit motive is easier to keep an eye on, and has a
stronger incentive to comply with the rules, than a horde of
amateurs with separate production costs to pay.
Canadians shouldn't have to wait for Carasel's case to wend
its way through the court system before the federal
government comes up with a marijuana policy that's both
constitutional and coherent.
Contact: letters at thecitizen.canwest.com
>Cannabis Culture
>Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2004
>Canadian pot possession laws still invalid?
>by Reverend Damuzi Cannabis Culture
Exciting new med-pot challenge reveals flaws in law
On August 4, police in Smith Falls, Ontario raided
medical cannabis grower Carasel, a company whose owners
hoped to provide high-quality pot to government-licensed
medical users. At the heart of the raid is a basic
disagreement between the federal government and Ontario
courts which invalidates Canada's marijuana possession laws.
Soon after the August 4 raid, renowned cannabis defender and
university law professor Alan Young announced an exciting new court
case. Associates of
Carasel are suing the federal government.
The grounds for the suit go back almost a year, to
October 7, 2003, when the Ontario Court of Appeal ordered
the federal government to amend med-pot regulations so that
growers, like Carasel, could apply to grow for more than one
licensed med-pot user. Currently, licensed growers can only
provide medicine to one patient. Despite the court order,
the federal government never made the change, and so
Carasel's application was either never processed or denied,
and they were eventually raided.
The federal government also failed to comply with the
Ontario Court's order to make med-pot exemptions easier for
patients to get. Currently, the regulations require that
certain patients get the approval of two medical
specialists, an almost impossible feat for people suffering
from rare illnesses or living in rural areas. The court
ordered that the government change the requirement to one
Because of the government's history of bad faith, Alan
Young plans to be a witness in the case rather than an
attorney. "I have the right issue, the right litigants, but
I knew I wasn't going to do the case for a number of
reasons," Young told Cannabis Culture. "Primarily I want to
provide evidence of Health Canada's obstructionist approach,
and because I've been doing this work pretty much from the
beginning, the evidence mostly comes from me. [Compassion
Centre lawyer] Ron Marzel is willing to work on this as
There are even deeper issues behind the federal
government's bad faith and stalling around med-pot. The
Ontario Court of Appeal's October, 2003 order to change med-
pot regulations was an attempt to sew up a constitutional
deficiency in the possession laws.
When the Ontario Court of Appeal made the order to
change the med-pot regulations, they also ordered a period
of pot-possession amnesty, from August 1, 2001 to the date
of their ruling. During this period, pot possession laws
were deemed unconstitutional.
So the government's continued failure to make the change
required by the Ontario Court of Appeal means that pot
possession laws - even for recreational use - are still
constitutionally deficient.
Across Canada, challenges to the law are mounting. In
Quebec, for example, Marijuana Party Leader Marc Boris St
Maurice is arguing the constitutionality of his marijuana
possession charges.
"Whether you're carrying marijuana because you think it
looks pretty, or because you found it, or because perhaps
you like to rub it on your hair at night, because it smells
nice. None of that is relevant. Whether it is for medical
use or other use, none of that is relevant," St-Maurice told
the press. "The law is bad, and so the offense must be taken
Aug 11 (1 day ago)
From: Arla Johnson <arla_j at hotmail.com>
To: mychanl at sccd.sk.ca
Cc: mfj.eav at gmail.com, cattlelack at sasktel.net, r.mwick at asktel.net,
buffalom at mts.net
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 12:17:41 -0600
Subject: E45 Legal details.. please confirm reciept of and presentation
to Committee
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ATTN: CARDS Committee: LEGALITY of E45
This is the exact process this project E45 is using with references
to the legality of each step.
The Market Development area of the project creates a contact list of
health practitioners based on specialities related to conditions
cannabinoids may benefit.
EAV has a number of contacts who can provide specific leads to get this
part started.
Robert R. will develop a procedure to contact and inform practitioners
of the method of access we can offer to medical marijuana clients as
well as the physical formulations they can be provided within.
-The NHPD regulations quoted specifically permit custom formulation
upon the recommendation
of a health practitioner's recommendation for a patient.
SEE- E45 application , clarification of legal issues , item #9
Between August 15-30 a condo complex prototype will begin to be
constructed within EAV's Lake Alma facility. This will be modified so
that it suits the pilot stage requirements.
On or about Aug 15-Aug 30 EAV can remove from land owned by Morris
Johnson upon which
Crag, a variety of hemp was seeded July 05. These plants plants go
to Lake Alma for harvest/processing.
These plants, an estimated number of 1000, will be transferred into
Condo physical configurations within the EAV facility at Lake Alma.
-EAV has Hemp permit 04-E0031-C-02 which covers processing of hemp at
this site.
These first plants will be grown in soil similar to the first R&D condo
of which a photo is supplied with this application. The pot size and
lighting will be upgraded based on experience with
the R&D condo @SW34-01-16 Feb 29 to date.
Hemp materials will be continuously harvested in a form which has whole
immature seed heads.
These will be frozen for further processing.
Our experience to date with plants growing since Feb 29 2004 at
SW34-01-16 is that
under indoor conditions hemp has a much longer productive lifespan than
it has under field conditions. Plants 6 months old are still producing
to date. It appears that hemp might be
continuously harvested for several months under the right conditions.
Initial Condo contract holders will be assisted to apply for MMAR
Initial clients will be persons presenting with medical conditions which
require CBD, the only cannabinoid present in hemp. This will include
rheumatoid and other arthritis, and possibly
irritable bowl syndrome and glaucoma.
The NHPD regulations referred to above, permit us to incorporate these
immature seed heads into ony one of our food formulations or create one
to order. Each bar in this case will have 2grams of this form of
cannabis. Customers will be supplied with enough of this product
immediately upon signing a condo contract to cover the time expected to
get their MMAR applications completed by an MD and processed by Health
The initial Rx for this material only requires a GP or Complementary
Alternative Medicine practitioner so will happen similtaneous to the
signing of a Condo Contract.
This corresponds to the 250 bar minimum for custom formulation batches
and will last for the first 125 days.
These formulations contain only processed hemp and no THC so are
regulated by the
Hemp Production regulations. Representative samples of the hemp
materials (field of origin) are submitted to Health Canada approved labs
by CFIA persons who come out and sample the field of origin during the
normal growing season.
The daily consumption of cannabis in this manner constitutes the same 4
grams which
the MMAR application will ask for on their MMAR permit. There is no
requirement on the MMAR applicaction to specify which chemotype of
cannabis is being consumed.
Once the medical client recieves their MMAR permit, a variety specific
to their exact needs
will be selected by them or their physician or EAV and seeds or clones
The Condo complex at Lake Alma will start these plants in a hydroponic
high intensity production
condo setting.
The original hemp plants may be transferred to this hydroponic setting
or remain in soil at this point.
For persons with severe pain with their arthritis, for example a variety
with THC may constitute
the portion of their medication which will be consumed at bedtime.
This provides relief without disrupting daily functioning.
For persons with certain cancers CBG and CBN should be present in
significant quantities as these are more specific to tumor inhibition.
As medical clients with THC, CBG CBN or other cannabinoid containing
condos get up and running
a supply of these chemotypes for new clients will become available
upon the MMAR reciept.
As the MMAR evolves SEE- E45 CARDS application, Legal issues section #12
Regulatory affairs:Parliamentary....... this lag time for approval may
shorten substantially.
As well as physicians become more aware of the applications of for
cannabis based medicines
the time for a patient to see a doctor for an RX will decrease as well.
The point being, is that we have developed a legal method to take the
patient through the
process and create a supply of medically useful product which starts
immediately upon the signing of a Condo Contract
SEE #8 item of submitted to CARDS with original application June 18 and
listed with
"additional information submitted to support the application"
E45 Project results might be presented to the Health Canada as an
example of what
pharmacists could access "based on a pharmaceutical care model".
See: E45 CARDS application, Legal issues section #12 Regulatory affairs:
Parliamentary, (at the very end of that subsection).
All facets of this project have been reviewed for their legality, and we
feel certain we have covered everything.
Bryan Moss wrote:
> Spike wrote:
> >Extrapolate this trend into the future. Is there any
> >reason to believe that food is as good as it will ever
> >get? Why? If it continues to get ever more irresistible
> >as time goes on, what scenarios can we imagine? Will flab
> >continue to overtake an ever larger percentage of people?
> >Or will we eventually reverse course and demand less tasty
> >foods? Will better nutrition education help? Will more
> >and more people perish of diabetes and weight related
> >heart disease, or will it soon level off?
> >
> >
> Food is hard. Creating food is still an unsolved problem; we're still
> learning. As with most things, our initial reaction to the problem of
> the inadequacy of (processed/fast) food has been nostalgia: we want
> people to go back to the old way of doing things. I think, however,
> that fast food is a genuinely positive development. Food preparation
> is difficult, arduous, and requires a great deal of knowledge. Fast
> food is no less great a development than, say, the introduction of the
> washing machine; it just has some wrinkles that need to be ironed out.
> I think, for the most part, as we solve the problems the solutions will
> be taken up by industry: if it was healthy to eat McDonalds every day,
> they'd have more customers than they do now. It's a straightforward
> incentive.
> I think also that it's primarily the fact that McDonalds et al can't
> reach the larger, more health-conscious, middle-class demographic now
> that causes them to take the strategy of foisting large portions of food
> on the unfortunate demographic they can reach (i.e., the poor and people
> in a hurry). As fast food is able to serve more of the population
> (i.e., relatively wealthy return customers), the incentives to tailor
> food toward addiction and inadequancy of fulfilment drop off.
> BM
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