[extropy-chat] The emergence of AI

Brent Neal brentn at freeshell.org
Sat Dec 4 20:59:28 UTC 2004

 (12/3/04 11:21) Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:

>--- Hal Finney <hal at finney.org> wrote:> 
>> Maybe wrapping it in a fuzzy exterior will help, child robots and
>> talking
>> dogs: "Hello, I'm Rags, woof, woof".  But the reality is that people
>> are going to be working side by side with these systems, and I think
>> that is how they will base their conception of them as helpful or
>> dangerous.
>Yes. Creating personality modules that, at least, mimic a personality
>that is non-threatening (teddy bear, sexy female, child's voice, etc)
>is the key to limiting or preventing proscriptive regulation.

That is, until some enterprising hack^H^H^H^H movie producer releases a summer blockbuster about an AI trapped in a teddy bear's body that goes berserk, puts on a hockey mask, invades people's minds, and kills them all as part of a plot to destroy the Earth with "fricken lasers"


Brent Neal
Geek of all Trades

"Specialization is for insects" -- Robert A. Heinlein

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