[extropy-chat] gay marriage

Kevin Freels kevinfreels at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 26 19:20:23 UTC 2004

I am so angry I can't even type a decent letter! This gay marriage thing is just as stupid as segregation! Neither side can see where they are going wrong, and the entire country is debating this as if it is actually worthy of debate!! I can;t turn on the radio without hearing how the majority of Americans are against gay marriage. This whole thing is polarizing and is only helping to create more bigotry. Would the same polls show most Americans against gay legal unions? I doubt it.

The problem is that the words "marriage" and "religion" are so intertwined, especially in the Christian faith. Marriage is a function of religion that is recognized by the state. This needs to be done away with entirely. Marriage should be completely replaced by "legal unions" for everyone. Not just gays. These should be open to anyone of legal age regardless of race, religion, color, creed, or sex. This allows the partner rights of survivorship, legal protection from having to testify against the partner, and a host of other rights that are currently denied to gays...and straight atheists like myself who refuse to get into a marriage simply because of the religious tone of the matter (even if married by a Justice of the Peace). 

In our culture, marriage is more than a legal contract, it is a religious ritual. By pressing for acceptance of gay marriage, gays are asking a bunch of people who believe what they are doing is wrong, to change their rituals for their benefit. This can;t be done unless the religion is changed from the inside!

Meanwhile, by pressing this issue, gay rights advocates are going to see an amendment banning gay marriage to come to a vote, which regardless of the outcome, will set equal rights backwards by validating the marriage ritual. 

Somehow I am not surprised though. It was just over 30 years ago when "christians" were burning black churches in Mississippi. It was 90 years ago when "christians" broke into a prison and lynched a  Texas born Jew for a murder in Georgia that he didn;t committ...just because he was a Jew. Somehow "christians" think they are so far past the Spanish Inquisitions and Salem Witch trials, yet they continue the same behavior. only using law instead of stakes to burn their victims. They will never change....they even crucified their own savior!

Anyways, I am done venting now. Thanks for listening, or at least taking the time to delete my message. 
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