[extropy-chat] Transhuman Space RPG

natashavita at earthlink.net natashavita at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 30 18:20:24 UTC 2004

Dugger -
We had dinner with Steve Jackson here to celebrate Max's 40th birthday and
spent much of the evening talking about games.  
Way to go! :-)

>Thursday, 29 January 2004

>Apologies for the earlier double post.

>For those of you with interest in the late December thread on Pulver's 
>"Transhuman Space" role-playing game, 
><http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/transhuman/> but who haven't looked at it 
>due to cost, I offer a hint.
>A game store in Orlando, Florida called Sci-Fi City has this item on 
>sale.  They just today marked their copies down by 40%. You get a 
>240-page, full-color, hardback copy of the text for US$20. If you live in 
>North America, buying from them will probably save you money. They might 
>make decent introductions to transhuman and extropian ideas for people 
>who wouldn't bother with primary sources.
>If you purchase one, go the store's website 
><http://www.sci-fi-city.com> and get their phone number. Call in your
>order, and tell them you 
>want a clearance copy. I don't work for them, and this isn't meant as an 

>Jay Dugger     :     Til Eulenspiegel
>Sometimes the delete key serves best.

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