[extropy-chat] Redneck Transhumanists
Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc.
megao at sasktel.net
Fri Jul 2 03:33:55 UTC 2004
When you say Redneck Transhumanist, I look in the mirror and say
"oh shit you found me out".
I use outdated computer systems and brag that its an advantage because
viruses are not targeted to work old systems.
To avoid viruses hijacking my e-mailing list, I don't have one. Instead
I send emails to myself with the addresses and archive them in their own
separate inbox.
Spike wrote:
> > natashavita at earthlink.net
> Hahah!
> Hey - Jeff Foxworthy is one of my favorite belly-laugh, stand-up
> commedians.
> http://www.jefffoxworthy.com/
> N
> Isn't Foxworthy a total meltdown? I just about wet my diapers
> every time he gets up there. The thread started with someone
> commenting about uncultured rednecks. This is a contradiction
> in terms of course, for redneck is a culture.
> We need to collect our best you-might-be-a-redneck-transhumanist
> jokes.
> spike
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