[extropy-chat] Politics: US talks of suspending elections
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 13 01:37:58 UTC 2004
--- The Avantguardian <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Samantha Atkins <samantha at objectent.com> wrote:
> > Folks, pay good attention. The freest, most
> > advanced and most
> > powerful country on earth is headed in more
> > blatantly unfree directions
> > almost by the day. There is an extremely
> > unextropic vector gaining
> > in magnitude.
> You are absolutely right, Samantha. If the Bush
> administration does this, then it will be the biggest
> betrayal of America since Benedict Arnold. 200 years
> of sacrifice by patriots would have come to naught and
> I fear this would not be an isolated incident. To do
> something like this would set a dangerous precedent.
Absolute crap. Firstly, this isn't a democracy, it's a republican
federation of republics, where defense of the nation is of paramount
importance, not making sure everyone has their free fair and equal
chance to screw things up with their vote. Secondly, as I said earlier,
Lincoln already declared the Constitution broke in 1860.
If you studied real history you'd know that we've been operating as a
de facto occupation government since reconstruction, a government which
has been operating in receivership since 1933 under admiralty law
(which is why the flag in courtrooms are all gold fringed, contrary to
US Code, their jurisdiction is admiralty and maritime law,
administering the corporate state via the UCC.)
The people of our Union have been declared belligerents for more than a
century already.
> It would be like the consul Marius marching his
> legions into Rome that set the precedent for the rise
> of the Caesars and the fall of the Roman republic into
> the hands of a long line of despotic emperors. I would
> rather see the deaths of 75% of all Americans, myself
> included, than to allow our collective soul to be so
> thoroughly corrupted and bastardized.
Happened a long time ago, you just didn't notice.
> Even suggesting
> something like this will be interpreted by me as an
> act of war by the Bush administration against the
> American people, the U.S. constitution, and the
> American way of life. Just after my 18th birthday I
> swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of
> the United States against all enemies foreign and
> DOMESTIC when I was assigned to the now defunct 7th
> infantry division.
I swore the same oath. Who did you swear it to? Try reading Lysander
Spooner's "No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority" if you want
some interesting reading on oaths of office.
As for declarations against the American people, have you ever wondered
why, when you get a traffic ticket, your name is spelled in all capital
letters? Because that isn't you, it is a corporate strawman the state
invented when you were born. It names that person, not you, as a 'nom
de guerre', or war name, for your act of belligerency against the
corporate occupation state. The corporate state can't regulate you, a
natural person, for violations of commercial contract (which is all
that statute/color of law is) unless you accept responsibility for that
corporate person.
When did that happen? When you accepted a social security number, got a
drivers license, applied for welfare or unemployment, or received any
benefit from the current day government which is not delineated in the
Constitution. You've given up your liberty for serfdom/POW status to
the corporate state.
> I can bear Bush insulting my
> courage, intelligence, strength and honor by forcing
> me to submit to unreasonable searches everytime I
> board a plane under the pretense of protecting me
> against bedouins with box cutters. After all it just
> costs me an hour of my time and stings my pride
> somewhat. But let him deny my country the right of
> democratic self-determination and I promise civil war.
That would free you. The Neutrality Act of 1940 guarantees it, if you
rebel against the corporate state, you lose your 14th amendment US
citizenship and regain your full State Citizenship. For those
interested in researching it, try reading the post-Civil War
Expatriation Act, then the Neutrality Act. Acts of rebellion and/or
secession nullify your US citizenship.
Mine is nullified. My little flag presentation to Killington in March
did the trick. I'm now a NH National.
> All I ever wanted out of life was to do biomedical
> research to help people live longer, healthier, and
> happier lives but the ghosts of Thomas Jefferson and
> every other patriot who has ever sacrificed money,
> time, or their life's blood on the altar of freedom
> would not let me sleep at night if I allowed such an
> overt perversion of everything America stands for to
> occur. Tread on me at your peril, Mr. Bush.
Ah, well, engage in interstate commerce at your own peril. There lies
the power of US tyranny.
Mike Lorrey
Chairman, Free Town Land Development
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
-William Pitt (1759-1806)
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