[extropy-chat] WTA-BOARD: Authorized selling mailing lists
Harvey Newstrom
mail at harveynewstrom.com
Tue Jun 8 03:27:51 UTC 2004
I don't know why Giulio doesn't remember deciding that WTA can sell or
rent our subscriber lists for money. This issue came up when Wilson
Quarterly wanted to buy or rent our subscription lists. As far as I
can tell, everybody claimed that WTA is allowed to sell or rent its
lists to groups deemed to be of Transhumanist interest. We even added
a checkbox to the join page to opt in or out of this.
From: Cristina Lombillo [mailto:cristina.lombillo at procirc.com]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 9:51 AM
To: secretary at transhumanism.org
Subject: Wilson Quarterly - World Transhumanist Association
My name is Cristina Lombillo, and I am writing on behalf of The Wilson
Quarterly. We wanted to know if you have lists of members or
available for rent or exchange. We can send you a sample direct mail
if you like.
How many names do you have? Do you have a list manager or do we deal
you directly? How much would it cost? What do we need to do to test
list in our next direct mail?
Please let me know if there is anything you can do, or point me to the
proper contact person.
Thank you,
Cristina Lombillo
2937 SW 27 Ave, Suite 301
Miami, FL 33133
ph-305-441-7155, ext 237
fax- 305-441-7676
From jhughes at changesurfer.com Fri Feb 6 20:08:32 2004
From: jhughes at changesurfer.com (J Hughes)
Date: Sat Feb 7 11:30:36 2004
Subject: [wtaboard] FW: Wilson Quarterly list exhange/rental
Message-ID: <E1ApCHD-0001Ff-00 at stork.mail.pas.earthlink.net>
We have a request here form Wilson Quarterly who obviously want to send
transhumanism-specific mailing to our members, advertising Carl Elliot's
Pursuant to our decision last fall to ask permission to share their
addresses with other Transhumanist organizations, do you think this
promotion would fit that category for the members who said we could
their addresses?
Or should I offer to email any promotions to our members ourselves?
From iph1954 at msn.com Sat Feb 7 13:08:49 2004
From: iph1954 at msn.com (MIKE TREDER)
Date: Sat Feb 7 13:20:48 2004
Subject: [wtaboard] FW: Wilson Quarterly list exhange/rental
Message-ID: <BAY5-F22UCSUN34LjdT0001d81e at hotmail.com>
>From: "J Hughes" <jhughes at changesurfer.com>
>We have a request here from Wilson Quarterly who obviously want to
send a
>transhumanism-specific mailing to our members, advertising Carl
>Pursuant to our decision last fall to ask permission to share their
>addresses with other Transhumanist organizations, do you think this
>promotion would fit that category for the members who said we could
>their addresses?
Yes, I think this would be a legitimate sharing of those addresses.
From: contact at permanentend.org (Mark Walker)
Date: Sat Feb 7 14:56:39 2004
Subject: [wtaboard] FW: Wilson Quarterly list exhange/rental
References: <E1ApCHD-0001Ff-00 at stork.mail.pas.earthlink.net>
Message-ID: <004301c3ed84$b7f441d0$2ee4f418 at markcomputer>
It sounds like from their email that they want to have the names on a
permanent basis, I'm not sure that fits in with our mandate. We might be
better to offer to mail it ourselves adding that coming from us would
probably mean that more people on our list are likely to read it.
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