[extropy-chat] Re: Latin temperaments

Spike spike66 at comcast.net
Fri Jun 11 14:35:32 UTC 2004

> Amara Graps
> I was thinking about this alot last year when I was publically raked
> over the coals by a group for promoting a particular stereotype (not
> the latin thing, something else). Not only is such an action not my
> way, but I never had heard of the stereotype that I was accused of
> promoting. But no amount of explaining helped to convince them of
> that.

That sounds like an interesting case for further discussion.

> I suggest that if a group or some people in that group hold buttons
> about a stereotype, then it's their trap that limits them, not your
> trap.
> Amara

Hot buttons are a trap that limits us too.  Ive noticed
a lot of my neighbors seem to have hidden hot buttons
that only the other neighbors can hit: the local
WASPs (Shelly and me) are not expected to understand
them, so they cut us a lot of slack.


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