[extropy-chat] Group Hug

Natasha Vita-More natasha at natasha.cc
Sat Jun 12 19:43:11 UTC 2004

At 09:27 AM 6/12/04 -0700, Zero  wrote:

>So my two cents: The airing of your "dirty laundry" on such publicly
>accessible lists as ExI chat; the public finger pointing, accusations and
>infighting of TH leaders and such as has taken place on this list over the
>past week or so, only lends fuel to the fire and amunition to those who see
>TH organizations as sophomoric clubs of clueless (fill in your own
>derogatory epithet).

I am responding to Zero's wise word and making a comment to anyone 
involving ExI in WTA's internal problems.

Please make sure that you are aware that this fight is between WTA and its 
board and "its leaders" not leaders of transhumanism.  It should remain on 
the WTA list unless and until it involves ExI, which it did when WTA's 
Executive Director (through a messenger) a rather nasty message placing 
blame on ExI which, in fact, which was totally mistaken and should be 
addressed professionally.  I do not want to have to make a public, press 
statement about this, but if I am pushed far enough I will have to speak 
with ExI' s Board about making it publically known that ExI is not and 
never has been involved with the internal structure and current problems of 

Since that post and Greg Burch's response to WTA's Executive Director's 
message, which was posted earlier this week and which I think everyone 
should read in deference to Greg and ExI, ExI has not heard one single word 
of apology from WTA and its leaders.

This type of attitude - blaming others for one's own problems - reflects 
very poorly on any organization, not to mention alienating other 
transhumanist organizations who are watching and listening to WTA's 

With this said, I will state openly that ExI will continue to work to have 
a cooperative relationship with WTA and hope that Mike's message to "their 
leaders" is listened to.

Regardless, I continue to support Mike's "group hug."

Natasha Vita-More
President, Extropy Institute

Natasha Vita-More
President, Extropy Institute  http://www.extropy.org
Founder, Transhumanist Arts & Culture  http://www.transhumanist.biz
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