[extropy-chat] Re: Latin temperaments
scerir at libero.it
Sat Jun 12 21:06:57 UTC 2004
[...] if we interpret "believe in"
as "being cempletely certain of".
Latins see more shades of grey
in the world and have problems in
collapsing their worldview
to black and white.
Giuseppe Prezzolini (1882-1982!)
co-editor of the influential, but short-lived
Florentine magazine "Leonardo", 1903-07, attempted
to modernize Italian culture, introduced significant
French, British, and American ideas, and attacked
traditionalist writers and positivist philosophers.
"Leonardo", at that time, was a sort of "Edge.org",
and Prezzolini and Papini (the other editor) published
papers by mathematicians, artists, philosophers,
writers, etc. (Prezzolini is also known in US
because he was teaching Italian literature,
at the Columbia University, in the '30s-'50s).
Prezzolini, in his late '90s, pointed out to me,
(we were talking in Lugano, a long afternoon), an old
paper http://www.erasmo.it/liberale/testi/0361.htm
he wrote in the '20s, against the starting fascism
(note he was the maître a pensée and also a friend
of Benito Mussolini).
In that paper he was speaking of a possible
"Congregazione degli 'Apoti'", that is to say
an "Assembly of 'Apoti'". 'Apoti', from the Greek,
actually means "those who do not drink it" easily!
Just a minor "food for thought" memo for a starting
group of latin transhumanists!
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