[extropy-chat] ImmInst Update - Chat: Anti-Aging

Bruce J. Klein bjk at imminst.org
Sun Jun 20 17:56:02 UTC 2004

CHAT:  Dr. James R. Hughes - Anti-aging Therapy 
ImmInst Full Member, former member of the elite U.S. Navy Seals and 
co-founder of Hilton Head Longevity Center, James join ImmInst to discuss 
advancements being made in life extension and anti-aging therapy.

Chat Time: Sun June 20 @ 8 PM Eastern 

MEMBER ARTICLE:  Paradigm Shifting - Life After 40?  
ImmInst  Member, Harold Brenner(prometheus) says, "So now we 
finally have empirical evidence. Life does not begin at 40. The brain 
begins to malfunction at 40 - due to ineffective DNA repair. This is scary." 

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