[extropy-chat] FWD [forteana] Typology of Prejudices & Stereotypes
Terry W. Colvin
fortean1 at mindspring.com
Wed Jun 23 16:22:02 UTC 2004
Friends, Colleagues, Listmates!
Do prejudices and stereotypes fall into a very small number
of basic general types--basically, into views of "Those Others" as
either lazy, stupid, ignorant, undisciplined, and "child-like," or else
as over-civilized, diabolically clever, greedy, unprincipled, coldly
rational, skeptical, and manipulative "city slickers"?
It does seem to me that a fairly simple depiction of the
"Other" as either a dumb, lazy, dirty, sensual, over-emotional primitive
or else a calculating, ambitious, soulless pseudo-intellectual may
subsume most racial, national, ethnic, religious, class, and cultural
prejudices and stereotypes the world over. Ethnically, the stereotype of
the "Other" as impulsive, ignorant, dim-witted, lazy, dirty,
"child-like," "animalistic," superstitious, over-sexed, violently
criminal, and drunken (or drug-addicted) has dominated White views of
Blacks and Latinos, WASP views of Irish, Italian, Polish, and Slavic
immigrants, English views of the Irish, German views of Poles and other
Slavs, Polish views of Ukrainians, and colonialist views of "Third
World" peoples.
Conversely, the caricature of the "Other" as over-intellectual,
irreligious, manipulative, diabolically clever, money-oriented, and
unscrupulous in business has long been the classic anti-Semitic
stereotype of the Jew. However, a very similar image of the "Other" as
clever and hard-working but over-civilized, arrogant, cold, soulless,
selfish, and skeptical, as a "city slicker" exploiting and despising
honest, pious, wholesome peasants, has typified Russian and other Slavic
views of Germans, 19th Russian "Slavophile" views of western Europeans
in general (in contrast to the soil-rooted, communal, mystically
spiritual "Slav soul" and "broad Russian nature"), German nationalist
views of the "shallow," "materialistic" French and English (in contrast
to Teutonic idealism, piety, spirituality, and profundity), Slovak views
of Czechs, Black African imagery of Asians, Malay and Indonesian views
of the Chinese, and ante-bellum Southern views of the "Yankees." Among
East European Jews themselves, Polish and Ukrainian Jews used to view
"Litvaks" (Lithuanian Jews) as intelligent and well-educated, but dry,
cold, arrogant, pedantic, skeptical, and over-intellectual in their
approach to religion--the Ukrainian Jews seeing themselves as more
earthy and soulful by contrast.
In classic Freudian psychoanalytic terms, we might say, the ethnic or
racial "Other" is pictured by the prejudiced as incarnating the vices of
either the "Id" (as in White stereotypes of Blacks) or of the "Ego" and
"Super-Ego" (as in the classic anti-Semitic stereotype of the Jew). By
contrast, one's own ethnic, national, or racial group is idealized for
being either intelligent, disciplined, sober, thrifty, and
hard-working--or else for being earthy, soulful, rooted, and natural in
contrast to those cold, effete, over-rational, deracinated, skeptical
The same dichotomy, I feel, also underlies stereotypes of
uncongenial religious, literary, musical and artistic schools and
movements within one's own culture and society. Exponents of religious,
artistic, or literary tendencies one dislikes may be denounced as
barbaric, untrained, uneducated, undisciplined., "childish," "formless,"
and over-emotional--or else as dry, cold, desiccated, over-intellectual,
over-civilized, "up-tight," "formalistic," and emotionally stunted or
repressed. In other words, just as in ethnic stereotyping, one's
religious, artistic, or literary opponents may be denounced for either
their "Id" or their "Ego/Super-Ego" vices, for what ethnic bigots might
call either "nigger" or "Jewish" traits! Thus, religious fundamentalism,
rock music, and "Beat" poetry may be dismissed as in effect "Negro," and
religious liberalism, classical music, and the poetry of T.S. Eliot as
in effect "Jewish," by critics of unimpeachably tolerant ethnic views
who never once mention such ethnic designations in print!
I first thought of this polarity in cultural controversy a few years ago
upon re-reading British philosopher Michael Polanyi's _Personal
Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy_ (University of Chicago
Press/Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958; Harper & Row, 1958; Harper
Torchbooks, 1964). Because "the humanities, the arts, the various
religions" as well as the sciences in contemporary society vast, complex
"extensive and highly differentiated aggregates" of which "no one can
fully understand and judge more than a tiny fraction," we are all
dependent on "second-hand appreciations" outside our own unavoidably
very narrow domains of first-hand personal expertise, forced to rely on
"intellectual leaders" and "cultural authorities whom we trust (Polanyi,
_Personal Knowledge_, 1964 Harper Torchbooks edn., pp. 220-221). By
"following their chosen intellectual leaders," the "non-experts" in
contemporary societies "even participate up to a point in the works of
these leaders and beyond this in the whole range of culture accredited
by them" (_Personal Knowledge _, p. 221). However, Polanyi added,
because of the "clash between different philosophies, religious or
artistic movements," adherents of one "persuasion" may "refuse to
recognize any intellectual merit in those of a rival persuasion, calling
them cranks, frauds, or fools" (_Personal Knowledge _, p. 221). People
will "differ accordingly also in their use of such professional
descriptions as 'com[poser,' 'poet,' 'painter,' 'priest' and in that of
accreditive terms like 'expert,' 'reputable,' or '[distinguished,'
applied to persons claiming to be composers, poets, etc." (_Personal
Knowledge _, p. 221).
Re-reading the above a few years ago, it immediately occurred to me in a
flash that we "refuse to recognize any intellectual merit" in cultural
authorities or leaders "of a rival persuasion" basically for either one
or the other of two opposite reasons. We may call them "cranks, frauds,
or fools" and refuse to accept them as reputable, distinguished
composers, poets, painters, priests, or theologians because we see them
as untrained, uneducated, undisciplined wild-men uttering unmodulated
barbaric yawps, painting pictures a two-year old child or even a
chimpanzee could paint, etc. On the other hand, we may call them
"cranks, frauds, or fools" and deny them the status of reputable poets,
painters, composers, or theologians because we see them as desiccated,
bloodless, over-intellectualized ivory-tower types shut off from all
life-giving human, emotional, or spiritual experience, from any
first-hand experience of suffering, joy, terror, human connection,
mysticism, or Divine inspiration.
And just recently, it occurred to me that this polarity
closely resembles the polarity of opposed types of ethnic or racial
prejudice! Religious liberal/modernist (and highbrow traditional
Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Calvinist, or Orthodox) and
literary/artistic Classicist attacks on fundamentalism, Pentecostalism,
and Romanticism sometimes oddly parallel white racist stereotypes of
Blacks and other "colored" peoples. Fundamentalist and literary/artistic
Romanticist (or "counter-cultural") attacks on religious liberalism and
literary/artistic Classicism sometimes echo anti-Semitic attacks on Jews
and Russian "Slavophile" attacks on western Europeans. As with ethnic
and racial stereotypes, it comes down to criticizing one's adversaries
for what one sees as either their "Id" or their "Ego/Super-Ego" vices!
In literary criticism, the ethnic/racial analogy has been explicitly
invoked in the widespread dichotomy of writers as either earthy,
emotionally unbuttoned, instinctually liberated, culturally populist
"Redskins" (Walt Whitman, D.H. Lawrence, the "Beats") or polite,
genteel, repressed, fastidious "Palefaces" (Jane Austen, Henry James,
Edith Wharton, T.S. Eliot).
T. Peter tpeterpark at erols.com
<mailto:tpeterpark at erols.com>
Garden City South, L.I., N.Y.
"Only a zit on the wart on the heinie of progress." Copyright 1992, Frank Rice
Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < fortean1 at mindspring.com >
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