[extropy-chat] Genocide, facsism, yadda yadda yadda
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 14:30:13 UTC 2004
This sums up also my feeling on the Extropy list. It is a great place
to be on, and every day I find some very interesting things and
thoughts here. Even if I disagree quite strongly with some of the
things that I read here (e.g. the post that originated this thread) I
will never stop reading this list. It is not take it or leave it, it
is take something and leave something else. I take much more than I
Having said this, I think we should bear in mind that some parts of
what we imprecisely call the extropian/transhumanist worldview are
becoming more and more objects of real world policy debate. On one
hand this is good and demonstrates that we are being taken seriously,
on the other hand it is dangerous because we are attracting the
attention of "enemies", some of whom you can be sure are reading the
list. So when writing to the list we should bear in mind that our
words can be read by enemies and quoted out of context to cause
damage: an extreme case made to prove a point can be quoted out of
context, or even worse in a different context, to become an exortation
to condemnable behaviour.
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 22:52:12 +1200, paul.bridger
<paul.bridger at paradise.net.nz> wrote:
> On the extropy-chat list I've been privileged to observe conversations
> between some of the smartest people I'll probably never meet. When I found
> this list I was pleasantly shocked that there existed a bunch of people who
> had thought about the same things I had, but with such greater depth and clarity!
> Unfortunately with great intelligence often comes the kind of terrible ego
> that will really hold you back. And of course when multiple terrible egos get
> together you can get some fairly passionate but stupid conversations.
> The current stupid exchange has not accomplished anything at all. It may have
> changed things, but it's accomplished nothing.
> Please don't destroy this fantastic list by being stupid humans.
> Please demonstrate the dignity of extropians by not responding to personal
> insults.
> Please be aware that this list is an advertisement for extropy, for good or ill.
> Paul Bridger
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