[extropy-chat] Hubert Mania's Comments
Adrian Tymes
wingcat at pacbell.net
Mon Jun 28 15:25:56 UTC 2004
--- Eliezer Yudkowsky <sentience at pobox.com> wrote:
> You can ponder the
> question all you like.
> When you say that your *conclusion* is to commit
> casual genocide, you've
> crossed the line that *I* draw between Us and Them.
> You've left the line
> behind in the dust. You're part of the problem, not
> part of the solution.
What if one says, "This logic seems to indicate that
one should commit genocide. Is this logic in error,
and if so where is the error?" That's the words of
someone who, using your terms, wants to remain part of
Us but who, just for wondering about it, you would
classify as part of Them.
> I disagree that casual genocide is justified, and
> moreover, I don't
> believe it would *work*. It would backfire as none
> save a historian could
> begin to imagine.
This is exactly what was being asked for. (Something
along the lines of, "Yes, your logic is flawed, and
here's why.") Robert forgot about the backfiring et
al, and was looking for someone to remind him. (You
might not believe that someone could forget something
like this. It happens, especially among scientific
types. A common defense is to look for reminders,
which sometimes takes the form of asking for
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