[extropy-chat] Futurist priorities was ex-tropical
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 1 19:56:48 UTC 2004
--- Harvey Newstrom <mail at harveynewstrom.com> wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote,
> > A finer analogy may say that some passengers only have a
> > brake pedal, while some only have a gas pedal, some can only
> > steer straight or left, others straight or right, while some
> > have all controls in front of them. Everybody decides what
> > controls each passenger has access to.
> LOL! I can see this in my mind, and it isn't pretty! ;-)
> There is a deafening screeching sound as the bus careens into view.
> All
> four of its wheels are turned outward in different directions. The
> back
> wheels are spinning at full acceleration, burning rubber into the
> asphalt
> and churning up a cloud of carcinogenic rubber particles and smoke.
> The
> front wheels are locked solid by the brakes, and are being pushed
> forward
> across the pavement without turning. The back end of the bus swerves
> wildly
> as it tries to proceed faster than the front end. The front wheels
> occasionally jerk left or right, trying to correct its steering, but
> it
> doesn't help. The bus knocks down signs, parking meters, and a few
> pedestrians as it continues its frantically meandering path. Showers
> of
> sparks explode as it takes out street lamps with gut-wrenching
> regularity
> along the way. Electric cables become demon-possessed as they snap
> off and
> start writhing in the churning smoke. The bus finally slides
> sideways into
> an embankment with a sickening crunch. The sign proclaiming
> "Everybody
> Drives!" is seen swinging back and forth on one corner from its
> single
> remaining bolt....
Don't forget voting bad passengers off the bus.
The funny thing is that this is the best way to get economically from
point A to points b-z. It all comes down to how much you trust people
to negotiate in their own long term rational self interest.
Mike Lorrey
Chairman, Free Town Land Development
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
- Gen. John Stark
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