[extropy-chat] Futurist priorities was ex-tropical
neptune at superlink.net
Wed Mar 3 00:11:43 UTC 2004
On Tuesday, March 02, 2004 6:21 PM Harvey Newstrom
mail at HarveyNewstrom.com wrote:
>> The market doesn't "choose" anything. It
>> reduces prices. It is understandable that
>> there are many "best" computer systems.
> Then we are agreed. This was my point all
> along. Markets don't choose the best
> product. They choose the best price.
Try again.:) Markets don't choose. People make choices. They're
choices and interactions make up markets. That people don't make the
choices you like doesn't damn markets per se. And what is your
alternative? If people make the choices you don't like, there are
really only two choices open to you to change their choices. One is to
persuade them to make other choices. E.g., you can proselytize or even
build a better mousetrap. The other is to force them to make other
choices. E.g., you can pass laws prohibiting certain transactions, such
as passing laws requiring certain standards for products.
Now, metaphorically, you might say, "The market chose X over Y" --
meaning that people via the market chose X over Y. (Usually, actual
markets are more likely to segment too. E.g., someone might prefer the
ultra-cheap PC because that's within his budget and he's not a
supergeek. Another person might decide that's not for her and wants to
buy something better or even build something better. Markets allow for
this. The alternatives to markets are either no social interaction
(meaning autarky) or socialism (meaning someone else or a group of
someone else's decides for everyone). The second of these
alternatives -- the only one worth talking about if we assume social
interaction -- since autarky means no interaction -- usually means that
the monopoly computer combine will make its products based on its own
plans and not on consumers and entrepreneurs trying to coordinate their
plans and resources.)
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