[extropy-chat] FSP: Killington Votes to Secede
neptune at superlink.net
Wed Mar 3 19:40:27 UTC 2004
On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 1:42 PM Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
>> I know this is in Vermont, but I wonder about
>> similar legal processes in
>> other states of the US. It might be yet another way
>> to alter the system...
> I can tell you flat out it couldn't succeed in
> California.
There is a name for this legal impossibility in California. I believe
it's called the San Fernando Valley, which is trying to seceded
> True, some of the cities were founded
> before California (some of them were founded when this
> was still Mexico), but the state has explicit legal
> soverignity over all cities, counties, and other such
> governments within its geographic boundaries. I
> suspect the same applies to, at least, most states on
> or near the Pacific, if not all states in the US
> period.
I suspect even when the State government has "soverignity" over all
smaller governmental units, there are ways to secede within the
jurisdiction of the State government. This is how many municipalities
break away from others, no? It's probably a matter of doing lots of
legal research and having the case presented in such a way that it
convinces those who decide such matters. I.e., I probably wouldn't go
before the board and say, "It's my freaking right to secede you
thrice-damned bastard black-robed jackal!" Instead, I would use that
tactica -- er, finesse.:)
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