[extropy-chat] "Cults such as the extropians see technology asunstoppable escalator to future prosperity, but ...."
neptune at superlink.net
Wed Mar 10 23:21:09 UTC 2004
On Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:39 PM randy cryofan at mylinuxisp.com wrote:
[actually, not Randy, but a quote from theregister.com]
> Cults such as the extropians see
> technology as the unstoppable
> escalator to future prosperity, but
> the rest of us are discovering that
> their utopian faith has caused
> graver problems than anyone
> expected.
While I'd like to believe we have a great influence today, I simply
don't see Extropians (and transhumanists) as instigators of outsourcing
and all economic ills. These people should actually blame previous
trade restrictions and the labor laws -- minimum wage laws -- and other
taxes and regulations that drive up the cost of doing business in the
Also, I don't remember having to give all my worldly goods to Max, cut
off all contacts with my family and friends, and live in the Extropy
Commune spending my days making simple craft goods while quoting from
the Principles as a sort of prayer. Maybe I missed out on that part of
the movement.:)
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