[extropy-chat] "Cults such as the extropians see technology asunstoppable escalator to future prosperity, but ...."
Anders Sandberg
asa at nada.kth.se
Thu Mar 18 18:37:03 UTC 2004
torsdagen den 11 mars 2004 00.21 wrote Technotranscendence:
> On Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:39 PM randy cryofan at mylinuxisp.com wrote:
> [actually, not Randy, but a quote from theregister.com]
> > Cults such as the extropians see
> > technology as the unstoppable
> > escalator to future prosperity, but
> > the rest of us are discovering that
> > their utopian faith has caused
> > graver problems than anyone
> > expected.
Just to weigh in, doesn't claims that the transhumanist/extropian ultra-rich
conspiracy is behind globalization undermine the author quite nicely? No
matter what people think about us, but that kind of reasoning makes the
article sound just like a paranoid rant. Had it been a traditional and
acceptable conspiracy like "the multinationals" it would have been far more
convincing to people.
> Also, I don't remember having to give all my worldly goods to Max, cut
> off all contacts with my family and friends, and live in the Extropy
> Commune spending my days making simple craft goods while quoting from
> the Principles as a sort of prayer. Maybe I missed out on that part of
> the movement.:)
I have at least done the extropian handshake with him. But the key question is
whether you have the animatronic goat idol?
Anders Sandberg
The sum of human knowledge sounds nice. But I want more.
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