[extropy-chat] It's A Blog World After All
Erik Starck
es at popido.com
Sat Mar 20 15:23:09 UTC 2004
Topic: the change of the media landscape.
Key quotes: "If my credibility goes down," says Scoble, "then what do I
"But that informal transparency is precisely why many companies' embrace
of blogs is at best uneasy. [...] "[Companies] are not going to be able
to stuff it back into the box," says Greg Lloyd, CEO of Traction, a
business-oriented blog software company."
Question: When will we see the first blog from inside the white house?
Robert Scoble may well be one of the most powerful people in Redmond
right now. "The Scobleizer," as he's known to his daily readers, writes
a Web log, or blog, posting comments on topics that range from the
world's largest pistachio factory to how cheap it is to eat in Shanghai.
Mostly, though, he writes about Microsoft. On January 27, 14 of the 31
posts he made between midnight and the time he went to bed, sometime
after 3:41 a.m., were about the software giant or its products. But the
Scobleizer is no ordinary Windows-obsessed blog jockey. He is, in fact,
a Microsoft employee. He's a "technical evangelist," to be precise,
whose job includes communicating with customers on the Web. One way he
does this is by writing blogs. He gets feedback from tech-savvy readers
on how to improve Microsoft products, and at times, he's even mildly
critical of his employer. After Microsoft threatened a teen who
registered MikeRoweSoft.com, Scoble wrote this: "It's unfortunate that
we went after a 17-year-old named 'Mike Rowe,' though. I'm sorry that
happened to you Mike."
What's this? Humility from the House of Gates? That's life in the blog
world, where one whiff of PR or marketing spin will instantly mark you
as phony. "If my credibility goes down," says Scoble, "then what do I
have?" Though he's just one of hundreds of employee bloggers at the
software giant, Scoble is by far the most widely read. More than 850
blogs and 1,300 sites link to him, putting him right up there with
Howard Dean's Blog for America at its height. And he's aware of his
power: "I know I'm playing with dynamite," Scoble says.
Dynamite, indeed. The burgeoning blog world--1.6 million keyboard
tappers at last count--is making big inroads into corporate culture.
From tech companies like Microsoft (which says it "respects and
supports" blogs like Scoble's) and IBM to decidedly nontech outfits like
Dr. Pepper, companies are starting to use blogging both as a medium to
market products and monitor brands and as an internal
knowledge-management tool. To meet corporate demand, both UserLand and
Six Apart, makers of popular blog software programs, are coming out with
enterprise-level products later this year.
Corporate America is jumping onto the blogwagon for many of the same
reasons all those journalists, brooding teenagers, and presidential
campaigners are already on board. Unlike email and instant messaging,
blogs let employees post comments that can be seen by many and mined for
information at a later date, and internal blogs aren't overwhelmed by
spam. And unlike most corporate intranets, they're a bottoms-up approach
to communication. "With blogs, you gain more, you hear more, you
understand where things are going more," says Halley Suitt, who wrote a
fictional case study on corporations and blogging for the /Harvard
Business Review/ . "Even better, you understand them faster."
At Verizon, Paul Perry, a director in the company's eServices division,
started a blog to keep up with news about competitors. Using a news
aggregator, a popular blog-world tool that grabs and assembles
syndicated "feeds" of content from Web sites and other blogs, people in
his group can quickly post news they find on those feeds to the internal
blog. DaimlerChrysler employs Web log software at a few of its U.S.
plants; managers discuss problems and keep a record of their solutions.
And American Airlines, where only 20% of the company's highly mobile
workforce has corporate email, is considering blogs as a way to give
employees more channels to management.
The Hartford Financial Services Group is already finding success using
blogs in one of its mobile groups. A team of 40 field technology
managers, who serve as links between The Hartford's network of insurance
agents and the home office, set up a blog in August. They use it to
share information about e-commerce features and solutions to technology
problems. Before, email and voice mail sufficed, but email threads would
die, and there was no way to search past shared information. "We don't
get a chance to talk with each other as often as we'd like," says Steve
Grebner, one of The Hartford's field managers, who thinks of the blog a
little like a town square. "To me, it's like there's 14--or 40--brains
out there, and you might as well tap into that knowledge base."
So do blogs hold the key to seamless sharing of collective corporate
intelligence, the holy grail of knowledge management? Web log software
is cheaper to install and maintain than many knowledge-sharing programs,
and it's extremely simple to use. Knowledge software often requires
employees to take both an extra step and extra time to record what they
know, and to fit their knowledge into a database of inflexible
categories. Internal blogs are more integrated into a worker's regular
daily communications. IBM began blogging in December, and by February,
some 500 employees in more than 30 countries were using it to discuss
software development projects and business strategies. And while blogs'
inherently open, anarchic nature may be unsettling, Mike Wing, IBM's
vice president of intranet strategy, believes their simplicity and
informality could give them an edge. "It may be an easy, comfortable
medium for people to be given permission to publish what they feel like
publishing," he says.
But that informal transparency is precisely why many companies' embrace
of blogs is at best uneasy. Internally, blogs have the potential to let
employees who wouldn't otherwise be seen as authorities have a voice
with a lot of impact. "[Companies] are not going to be able to stuff it
back into the box," says Greg Lloyd, CEO of Traction, a
business-oriented blog software company. Externally, the fears are even
greater. Letting employees speak directly to customers requires a huge
amount of trust. A loose cannon might reveal corporate secrets, give out
the wrong message, or even open up the company to legal trouble.
Despite those worries, no new medium can go for long without being
turned into a marketing channel. Got a message to get out or a product
to promote? The blog world is populated by folks who thrive on racing to
be first to post news and getting others to link to, or "blogroll,"
them. They're naturally the opinionated, hyperconnected influencers
marketers crave. Jonathan Carson, president and CEO of BuzzMetrics, a
New York-based firm that mines message boards, listservs, and blogs to
see what's being said about companies, says his clients ignored blogs
nine months ago. Today, more than half specifically ask whether his
monitoring includes the blogosphere. "If companies focus in on what's
going on in the blog world, it's an amazing leading indicator on what's
going to break in the real world," he says.
That's why some businesses are going straight to bloggers for buzz.
Random House's Crown Publishing sends books to bloggers for review.
Nokia sent a small group of bloggers its 3650 model camera phone to take
for a whirl. To help companies find bloggers who fit their target,
Internet marketing firm Richards Interactive has even started
ProjectBlog.com, a database of bloggers who've completed demographic
In an episode that shows both the promise and peril of a corporate
embrace of blogging, Richards helped Dr. Pepper/Seven Up run a
blogcentric campaign last spring for its new milk-based drink, Raging
Cow. It started a blog for the cow--"the cow had his own site," says
director of corporate communications Mike Martin (who's a little fuzzy
on bovine anatomy). Then it screened hundreds of young bloggers to find
a suitable group to help promote the drink. Dr. Pepper flew the five
winners and their parents to Dallas to try the product and gave them
several hundred dollars in Amazon gift certificates.
While Martin says the campaign was a success, it provoked an angry
backlash in the blog world, where the relationship between the company
and the blogs was seen as crassly commercial and poorly disclosed. "A
case of crude corporate cluelessness," wrote one widely read pundit and
law professor. Todd Copilevitz, director of interactive strategy at
Richards, admits the company should have had the bloggers repeat
disclosures more often.
Other companies are finding their visits to the blogosphere less
bruising. Tiny 10e20, a Web design firm in Brooklyn, recently began
requiring employees to post updates on their progress to a blog twice a
day. Within the first six weeks, 10 projects were turned in early.
Having a central repository for information helped--but so did the added
scrutiny that came from letting everyone see how a project was
progressing. Software maker Macromedia, one of the first companies to
adopt blogs for customer service, saved tens of thousands of dollars in
call-center support when it released a crop of new products for software
developers in 2002. A trusted group of employees started blogs to answer
users' questions, and the blogs have grown into online communities that
give Macromedia valuable customer feedback.
At Microsoft, Scoble sees his blog as a way to put a gentler face on the
often-reviled software giant. Is it working? The Scobleizer has
detractors who think he's just a shill. But a comment from "thad," who
began reading the blog before Scoble became a Microsoft employee, is
revealing: "Really liked a lot of your ideas. Then you were assimilated
and I came to see how you'd change. But something else happened. You
turned me on to XP and I liked it. It is almost enjoyable to work on. .
. . you have changed my views on the big evil company."
Jena McGregor (jmcgregor at fastcompany.com
<mailto:jmcgregor at fastcompany.com> ) is Fast Company's associate editor.
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