[extropy-chat] Transhumanism: Social Equality and Politics
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
gpmap at runbox.com
Fri Mar 26 19:06:53 UTC 2004
I think all transhumanists read the press, watch TV, and have more or less
defined political views. Some transhumanists are actively involved on one or
another political movement. As I must have said a couple of times, I think
the core values and goals of transhumanism (desirability of improving the
human condition with all means, including radical use of advanced
technology) are equally compatible with the two main political camps found
in the transhumanist movement (social-democratic and libertarian).
Discussion on which of the two camps has the Truth is usually heated and
produces little result. I tend to lean more toward the social-democratic
camp but the question makes little sense to me: the Truth, if such a thing
exists, is probably complex and cannot be captured by a simple slogan.
Probably any workable solution for today's world will require elements from
both approaches.
Transhumanism cannot be a political movement because it is fragmented on the
very issues that are the object of politics: taxation, economic policy,
social policy, foreign policy, defense... if we have not agreed on these
things so far my bet is that we will never agree. At the same time, like it
or not, politics has and will continue to have a tremendous impact on the
issues that we transhumanists focus on.
Transhumanists, or groups of transhumanists, can and do take an active role
in the mainstream political movement that they prefer. This should be
encouraged. I think the time we spend arguing about politics in
transhumanist fora, would be spent much more productively arguing about
transhumanism in political fora, where we should push for life extension
research, the relinquishment of unnecessarily strict legislation in genetic
research and therapies, the acceptance of the proactionary principle, fight
Kass,... We should try developing solid arguments and the best ways to sell
them to audiences of different political persuasion.
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org]On Behalf Of
natashavita at earthlink.net
Sent: viernes, 26 de marzo de 2004 18:56
To: extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
Subject: [extropy-chat] Transhumanism: Social Equality and Politics
...What do you think about pushing transhumanism into political camps?
Because politics is based not so much on human values and transhumanist
goals, but on competing interest groups or individuals for vie for power
and leadership. Is this politics over philosophy/social understanding, the
former being displayed with underhand tactics, and the latter being
influenced by reasonable efforts?
So, you tell me those of you who are not pushing any one political
agenda, what do you think? Do we need to segregate transhumanism into
political camps that are subsets of political party lines? Or do we need
to let the camps be driving forces aspects of transhumanism forward?
Remember, Extropy Institute does not sponsor or claim any one political
affiliation or belief, as its core is based in transhumanism, not
politics. Our members share varied political views and I believe that we
can solve world problems by employ the most workable solution to the
problem, regardless of which specific positive political course.
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