[extropy-chat] Mexican UFOs

Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
Wed May 12 03:17:05 UTC 2004

--- Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> At 07:00 PM 5/11/2004 -0700, Mike wrote:
> >Why not some stealthed drug planes? The technology
> really isn't that
> >hard to replicate once you know how it works. Given
> the use of radar
> >systems to spot drug planes coming into the US
> Really? Technology that makes drug courier jets
> invisible to the naked eye 
> of pilots even as they insouciantly buzz a drug cop
> plane, but carelessly 
> enough stealthed to be brightly visible in radar and
> the infrared?

I've heard of something that could fit the bill...if
viewed from below.  "Air Force Blue" paint.  Perfect
chroma match for the open sky.  No points for guessing
who developed it; they discontinued because that level
of stealth was an air safety issue, threatening to
more than make up for decreased combat losses in
increased "friendly fire" losses during training and
routine operation.  Some drug cartel could have gotten
their hands on some, or independently redeveloped it.

Not saying that's what it was here.

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