[extropy-chat] Gunnar Graps 1951-2004

Amara Graps amara at amara.com
Tue May 18 09:37:20 UTC 2004

>I'm terribly sorry Amara for you and your family for the loss of

Thank you, Natasha. The Graps family is small. I had two cousins,
now I have one. I didn't know Gunnar very well, but I'm grateful
to have had some time with him. I feel the most sorry for his
father, my uncle. Children usually outlive their parents, not the
other way around.

>I wish I had met him when I was in Tallin.

He was difficult for us to meet, he would have been difficult for
anyone to meet. Picture a baltic Mick Jagger (he considered
himself as such) living that kind of life, (stereotypical in
fact), of sex-drugs-rock-and-roll. He had thousands (probably
orders of magnitude more) of fans. If I was with him, there were
strangers around who wanted his autograph. If I showed my name on
any document in the Baltics, someone wanted to know if I was
related to Gunnar. He was very popular. I don't think he handled
age in the best way ...  he simply got into more trouble! I hope
that he was having fun to the last second.



Amara Graps, PhD          email: amara at amara.com
Computational Physics     vita:  ftp://ftp.amara.com/pub/resume.txt
Multiplex Answers         URL:   http://www.amara.com/
"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work.  I want to
achieve it through not dying."  -- Woody Allen

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