[extropy-chat] LIMBOIDS

Walter_Chen at compal.com Walter_Chen at compal.com
Tue Nov 2 00:35:42 UTC 2004

Or as some people think, this is a conscious universe and even the
non-living things have some
consciousness in some way (waiting to be proved by scientific experiments if


-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of scerir
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 4:26 AM
To: ExI chat list
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] LIMBOIDS

> What, if anything, separates life from nonlife?


At Caltech, Chris Adami is studying exactly that, imo.

"According to our approach living organisms 
and computer programs are beautiful structures 
and are pretty much the same thing." (?!)

John Baez wrote: 'Is life improbable?', 
in Found. Phys. 19 (1989), 91-95,
and sometimes this paper appears here too
According to J.B. his paper explains the flaw 
in a famous proof by Wigner. What his [Wigner's] 
argument actually proves is something much 
weaker than what he wanted to prove. Roughly, 
he proves that if you first pick a specific 
design of a machine and then randomly choose 
the laws of physics, it's unlikely this machine 
will be able to reproduce itself in a specific 
amount of time. This should not be surprising: 
to design a machine that does a specified task, 
one usually needs to know a little about the laws 
of physics ahead of time.  When I restated the problem 
- says J.B. - and redid Wigner's calculation,
I got drastically different results.

See also: quant-ph/0303124
'Quantum Mechanical Universal Constructor'
by Arun K. Pati, and Samuel L. Braunstein
" Arbitrary quantum states cannot be copied. 
In fact, to make a copy we must provide complete 
information about the system. However, can a quantum 
system self-replicate? This is not answered by the 
no-cloning theorem. In the classical context, Von Neumann 
showed that a 'universal constructor' can exist which 
can self-replicate an arbitrary system, provided that 
it had access to instructions for making copy of the 
system. We question the existence of a universal 
constructor that may allow for the self-replication
of an arbitrary quantum system. We prove that there 
is no deterministic universal quantum constructor 
which can operate with finite resources.
Further, we delineate conditions under which such 
a universal constructor can be designed to operate 
deterministically and probabilistically. "

For now, beautiful  manmade boids are here
(no need of a universal quantum constructor!)


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