[extropy-chat] DUMBOIDS

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Tue Nov 2 00:57:45 UTC 2004

At 08:35 AM 11/2/2004 +0800, Walter_Chen wrote:

>Or as some people think, this is a conscious universe and even the 
>non-living things have some
>consciousness in some way (waiting to be proved by scientific experiments 
>if possible).

The trouble with this proposition, which appears to make the mistake of 
projecting a local (and locally highly-esteeemed) state of matter upon the 
rest of the universe, is that it's no more plausible than, say:

this is a broccoli-like universe and even the non-living things have some
broccoli qualities in some way (waiting to be proved by scientific 
experiments if possible).


this is a musical universe and even the non-living things have some
tunefulness in some way (waiting to be proved by scientific experiments if 


this is a sheep-like universe and even the non-living things have some
sheepishness in some way (waiting to be proved by scientific experiments if 

Damien Broderick
[feeling a bit sheepish--but that's *goood* in a sheepish universe]

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